Communicating Sequential Processes

by C.A.R. Hoare @ Queen's Univ

CACM 1978

1. Introduction

Input/output operations are not well understood
Lack of agreement on the comprehensive structuring methods:
repetitive, alternative, sequential are well understood, but
subroutine, monitor, coroutine, entries, etc.
Multiple processor architecture to speed up, but is still disguised as a deterministic and sequential machine to programmers
Multiprocessor should be used at the programming level -> Communication and synchronization methods should be defined
Attempts to find
Guarded command as sequential control structure to control non-determinism
Parallel command: executing multiple sequential commands at the same time and synchronize
Input/output command which can be used for communication between processes
Rendezvous as a main synchronization mechanism
Input command as a guard
the command is executed only when the other party is ready to execute output command: rendezvous!
when multiple parties are ready to output, one is selected arbitrarily
Repetitive command with guards
do the loop until all guards terminate
Pattern matching feature to screen out input messages not in the required pattern
Main points
Input/output is a basic primitive of programming
Parallel composition of communicating sequential processes is a fundamental program structuring method

2. Concepts and Notations

<command> = <simple_command> | <structured_command>
<simple_command> = <assignment> | <input> | <output>
<structured_command> = <alternative> | <repetitive> | <parallel>
<command_list> = <command>; <declaration>; <command>; <command>; <declaration>; ... <command>
Denotes sequential execution of component commands

2.1 Parallel Commands

<parallel> = <process> (|| <process>)*
<process> = <process_label> <command_list>
<process_label> = <id>:: | <id>(<label subscript>, <label subscript>, <lable subscript> ...)::
<label subscript> = <integer constant> | <range>
<integer constant> = <numeral> | <bounded variable>
<range> = <bounded variable>:<lower bound> .. <upper bound>
Proc-1::do-11;do-12;do-13 || Proc-B::do-B1; do-B2 || ...

2.2 Assignment Commands

<assignment command> = <target variable> := <expression>
Simple target: a generic variable which can hold any type of object
Structured target: an object variable which can hold only object of the same type

2.3 Input and Output Commands

<input_command> = <source process> ? <target_variable>
read from <source process> and assign it (them) to <target_variable>
<output_command> = <destination process> ! <expr>
send <expr> to <destination process>
Communication occurs when
a process issues input command
another process issues output command
signatures of target variables of input and output commands match each other
Synchronization: Rendezvous
Whichever of reader or writer comes first should wait until the other comes
Read/Write fails when the peer process terminates

2.4 Alternative and Repetitive Commands

<repetitive command> = * <alternative command>
<alternative command> = <guarded command> ([] <guarded command>)*
<guarded command> = <guard> -> <command list> | <range>, <range>, ... <guard> -> <command list>
<guard> = <guard list> (; <input command>)* | <input command>
Guarded command
Execute command list sequentially only when the execution of guard succeed
Alternative command
Exactly one element of alternative command is executed
Which element should be executed when multiple guards are true is undefined
Alternative command fails when all the guards failed
Repetitive command
Execute the element alternative command as long as it succeed
How to handle break?
Example: select (rdfds, wrfds, exfds, timeout) can't be simulated
* [ readStream ? rdfds -> process data read []

writeStream ! wrfds -> prepare the next data to write []

excepStream ? exfds -> process error; terminate []

elapsed() > timeout -> break;

"writeStream ! wrfds ->" is not a valid guard

3. Coroutines

In parallel programming, coroutine is more fundamental program structure than subroutine
Subroutine is just a special case of coroutine
Lots of functions (coroutines) can be implemented by using the primitives suggested in this paper:
COPY: copy characters from proc west to east
COPY:: * [c:character; west?c -> east!c]
SQUASH: squash two consecutive '*' to up arrow
SQUASH:: * [c:character; west?c -> [c != '*' -> east!c [] c == '*' -> [west?c; c == '*' -> east!up_arrow [] east!'*'; east!c]]]
Conway's Problem

4. Subroutines and Data Representations

Subroutine can be simulated by a parallel command: [subr::SUB || X::USER]
* [ X?input_args -> compute return value from input_args; X!return_val ]
X and subr are independent processes running parallel
subr will run until X is running
Recursive function can be partly simulated using multiple processes computing each level
Problems and algorithm
Function: Division With Remainder
Recursion: Factorial
Data Representation: Small Set of Integers
Object Oriented: in this case process is the combination of data and method handling them
Scanning a Set
Recursive Data Representation: Small Set of Integers
Actually not a recursive data representation, but a chain of objects of the same type
Multiple Exits: Remove the Least Member

5. Monitors and Scheduling

This paper suggests I/O and messaging as a fundamental synchronization primitives. Hence synchroniztion between processes is essentially not necessary
Monitor can be simply implemented as a process:
* [ pre-conditions to enter monitor; X(i) where i = 0..n ? value -> monitor body; X(i)!result ]

5.1 Bounded Buffer

Problem: implement a buffer process X between producer and consumer
Producer to buffer: buffer ! data
Consumer to buffer: buffer ! more; buffer ? data
Note: guard does not allow to have <write command>
Buffer implementation
* [ not_full; producer ? data -> insert the data [] not_empty; consumer ? more -> consumer ! data ]
Multiple producers and/or consumers are possible. New producer and/or consumer joining to the buffer should be handled appropriately

5.2 Integer Semaphore

Semaphore process shared by multiple processes
We don't need to make semaphore operation atomic. But they should be very fast
Joining and leaving processes are headache too

5.3 Dining Philosophers

Each philosopher as an process; each fork as an process
Philosopher -> fork: pickup or pushdown
No deadlock prevention in the algorithm of the paper

6. Miscellaneous

6.1 Prime Numbers: The Sieve of Eratosthenes

6.2 An Iterative Array: Matrix Multiplication

7. Discussion

7.1 Notations

7.2 Explicit Naming

7.3 Port Names

7.4 Automatic Buffering

7.5 Unbounded Process Activation

7.6 Fairness

7.7 Functional Coroutines

7.8 Output Guards

7.9 Restriction: Repetitive Command With Input Guard


Message passing for the communication between processes is uniformly used to solve various problems
As rendezvous is used as the only synchronization mechanism, performance could be poor
Processes are very dynamic in nature. They are created or destroyed and join or leave some closed group. Hence the language introduced in this paper should have had dynamic nature rather than static one as they claimed. This is why they couldn't fully implement recursions, monitor, semaphore, etc. And the language would have become a lot complex if they had made it dynamic.