Summer in Switzerland '2000
Matt Starzewski

Embracing Switzerland...

Embracing Switzerland...

Embracing Switzerland...

For anyone with an interest in travelling in Switzerland or Europe in general, or for people who want to know what I was up to abroad, I put together this little add-on to my homepage..Enjoy!

In the summer of '2000, I interned with SGI in Cortaillod, Switzerland.  I worked at the EMC Manufacturing facility there, with the job function of Data Analyst.  There was a really good group of people there, and everyone was very accomodating to the American who spoke French when you asked him a question in English.  If you'd like to  know more about the work I did, check out my Resume.

Throughout the summer, I had a number of tremendous experiences, both in and around Cortaillod, as well as different locations around Europe.  I've grouped all of my pictures, etc by area; just click on a region below and away you go!

Feedback on this page is welcome and in fact appreciated; just kick me an email at

Now, on to the pictures; choose your destination below...

General Pictures Bin Geneva, Switzerland Back to the Top <=== Working          Look for these in the future ===> See all Europe Destinations Switzerland France Italy