Suds 0.4 patch for Salesforce Users

Currently Suds 0.4 does not support the Salesforce SOAP API. I discovered two reasons why:

  1. Suds does not handle cyclical WSDL definitions well (it crashes).
  2. A bug introduced between 0.3.9 and 0.4.0 causes some XML wonkiness.

I fixed these bugs in a relatively small patch, which you can download here. To apply the patch, download Suds 0.4 and do this:

$ tar xzf python-suds-0.4.tar.gz
$ cd python-suds-0.4
$ patch -p1 < ../suds_0.4_sforce.patch

And proceed to install your now patched version of Suds. Note that when creating objects, you will have to append the prefix to them, like so:

account = client.service.create('ens:Account')

You may email me comments at my email address referenced on my home page.