Lightweight Remote Procedure Call.
Brian N. Bershad, Thomas E. Anderson, Edward D. Lazowska, and Henry M. Levy. Lightweight Remote Procedure Call. ACM Trans. on Computer Systems 8(1), February 1990, pp.37-55.
Review due Tuesday 3/3.
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Brian N. Bershad, Thomas E. Anderson, Edward D. Lazowska, and Henry M. Levy. Lightweight Remote Procedure Call. ACM Trans. on Computer Systems 8(1), February 1990, pp.37-55.
Review due Tuesday 3/3.
Andrew D. Birrell and Bruce Jay Nelson. Implementing Remote Procedure Calls. ACM Trans. on Computer Systems 2(1), February 1984, pp. 39-59.
Reviews due Thursday 2/26.
Carl Waldspurger. Memory Resource Management in VMware ESX Server in Proceedings of the 5th Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation, 2002.
Reviews due Tuesday, 2/24.
Daley, R. C. and Dennis, J. B. 1968. Virtual memory, processes, and sharing in MULTICS. Commun. ACM 11, 5 (May. 1968), 306-312.
Reviews due Tuesday 2/17.
E. Bugnion, S. Devine, K. Govil, and M. Rosenblum. Disco: running commodity operating systems on scalable multiprocessors. ACM Trans. Comput. Syst., 15(4):412-447, 1997.
Reviews due Tuesday, 2/10.
Andrew Baumann, et al. The multikernel: a new OS architecture for scalable multicore systems Proceedings of the ACM SIGOPS 22nd symposium on Operating systems principles, Pages 29-44.
Reviews due Thursday, 2/5.
Jeffrey Chase, Henry Levy, Michael Feeley, and Edward Lazowska. Sharing and Protection in a Single Address Space Operating System. ACM Trans. on Computer Systems, November 1994.
Reviews due Tuesday, 2/3.