Call for papers
Mathematical Programming Series B
Special Issue on "Optimization and Partial Differential Equations"

We invite research articles for a forthcoming issue of Mathematical Programming, Series B, on the topic of optimization applied to systems described by partial differential equations.

Optimization problems with PDE constraints arise in all areas of engineering, science, and finance and include optimal control, shape optimization, inverse design, and parameter estimation. Because the PDE constraints are often the dominant feature of the formulation of these optimization problems, the problems have special structure that can be exploited in the design of algorithms.

We encourage submission of papers that explore PDE-constrained optimization problems. This call includes, but is not restricted to, papers with a theoretical, algorithmic, or numerical perspective. Papers that deal with applications of PDE-constrained optimization are also welcome.

Deadline for submission of full papers: March 31, 2005. We aim at completing a first review of all papers by August 31, 2005.

Electronic submissions to the guest editors in the form of pdf files are encouraged. All submissions will be refereed according to the usual standards of Mathematical Programming. Please see here for further information about the journal, including links to author guidelines and latex style files.

Additional information about the special issue can be obtained from the guest editors.

Guest Editors:

John Burns
Interdisciplinary Center for Applied Mathematics
Wright House, West Campus Drive
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA 24061-0531

Ekkehard Sachs
Department of Mathematics
University of Trier
54286 Trier


460 McBryde Hall
Department of Mathematics
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA, 24061-0123