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Super Bowl Word Scrambles: The Big Game - Over 65 Word Jumble Puzzles

This book is available for download with iBooks on your Mac or iOS device, and with iTunes on your computer. Books can be read with iBooks on your Mac or iOS device.


This ebook contains over 65 Super Bowl themed words to unscramble.

Often called word jumbles, brain games, and anagram puzzles, these will put your knowledge of the game to the test.

A great party game! Fun to figure out the words with your friends too.

Give your brain a workout and try to unscramble each word in each section. The lists of words are arranged alphabetically by answers. Some of these are pretty tricky to solve. The answers for each group are on the page following the group of words. Have fun and enjoy the game!

Super Bowl Word Scrambles: The Big Game - Over 65 Word Jumble Puzzles
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  • $0.99
  • Available on iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, and Mac.
  • Category: Games
  • Published: Aug 08, 2013
  • Publisher: Kimberly Em
  • Seller: Smashwords
  • Print Length: 3 Pages
  • Language: English
  • Requirements: To view this book, you must have an iOS device with iBooks 1.3.1 or later and iOS 4.3.3 or later, or a Mac with iBooks 1.0 or later and OS X 10.9 or later.

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