The University of Wisconsin-Madison

Computer Sciences Department

Tyson Williams Pronounce Tyson Williams

Theoretical Computer Science
Email Address of Tyson Williams

Department of Computer Science
1210 West Dayton Street
Madison, WI 53706

Curriculum Vitae


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Tyson Williams


Hello. I completed a PhD student in theoretical computer science at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2015. I am grateful that I was advised by Jin-Yi Cai. I went into industry after graduating. You can follow me around the internet by starting with my page.

Research Interests

I am interested in the complexity of counting problems defined over graphs, especially those in the Holant framework, where there are holographic algorithms. A central goal in this area is to prove dichotomy theorems, which state that every problem in some large class is either efficiently computable or #P-hard. Such results tend to give a unified explanation for the tractability of certain problems and a reasonable basis for the conjecture that the remaining problems are intractable.

More generally, I am interested in the computational complexity of counting problems defined by the evaluation of various graph polynomials, the most well-known being the Tutte polynomial. I also consider how the computational complexity changes when these counting problems are defined over restricted graph classes, such as planar, regular, or bipartite graphs.


(... with abstracts)
  1. A Holant Dichotomy: Is the FKT Algorithm Universal?
    Joint work with Jin-Yi Cai, Zhiguo Fu, and Heng Guo
    To appear at FOCS 2015
    Paper: arXiv

  2. The Complexity of Counting Edge Colorings and a Dichotomy for Some Higher Domain Holant Problems
    Joint work with Jin-Yi Cai and Heng Guo
    FOCS 2014
    Paper: arXiv or conference (camera-ready, official)
    Talk by myself at FOCS

  3. Holographic Algorithms Beyond Matchgates
    Joint work with Jin-Yi Cai and Heng Guo
    ICALP 2014
    Paper: arXiv or conference (camera-ready, official)

  4. The Complexity of Planar Boolean #CSP with Complex Weights
    Joint work with Heng Guo
    ICALP 2013
    Paper: arXiv or conference (camera-ready, official)

  5. A Complete Dichotomy Rises from the Capture of Vanishing Signatures
    Joint work with Jin-Yi Cai and Heng Guo
    STOC 2013
    Paper: arXiv or conference
    Talk by Jin-Yi Cai at IAS

  6. Gadgets and Anti-Gadgets Leading to a Complexity Dichotomy
    Joint work with Jin-Yi Cai and Michael Kowalczyk
    ITCS 2012
    Paper: arXiv or conference


Advances in the Computational Complexity of Holant Problems
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