Thomas Brunet

Location: IBM Research, Austin, TX
E-mail: tomab at


  • May 24, 2006: Started as a full-time regular employee of the Human Ability and Accessibility Center at IBM Research in Austin.
  • May, 2006: Presented "Integrating Dynamic Deformations into Interactive Volume Visualization" for Eurographics/IEEE-VGTC Symposium on Visualization 2006.
  • July 1, 2004: I am now a CIBM (Computation and Informatics in Biology and Medicine) pre-doctoral trainee for three years
  • July 1, 2004: Doing some part-time work for the IBM Accessibility Center again
  • August 21, 2004: Poster abstract accepted for IEEE Vis 2004. Apparently, only four posters were rejected.

Semester Summaries

  • Summer 2004: Vascular Viz renamed to CHIVE (Capillary Histology Imagery Visualization and Exploration). Named as CIBM pre-doctoral fellow. Doing some part-time work for IBM. Taking a visit to Austin, Siggraph in LA, and learning to sail.

  • Spring 2004: First semester of research over in the graphics lab, working on the Vascular Visualization project. Taking Animation (777, Mike) and Distributed Systems (739, Remzi). Makes for a long Wednesday.

  • Fall 2003: TA for two discussion sections of CS302. Took Graphics (559, Mike) and Advanced AI (731, David Page). Was a pretty busy semester, but interesting.

Recreational Interests

I pretty much enjoy anything that requires some amount of running around. I've been learning to sail somewhat with Barry on Soma (the cow boat). Also been playing a little bit of soccer and ultimate, handball when Ted is free, and a little bit of hockey gets mixed in in the winter. I also got SCUBA (NAUI) certified during my undergrad, though I unfortunately haven't used it since. These boats in the picture are the entry level boats, though as of July 1st, I have not sailed in those.

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Tested on Firebird 0.9 (based on Mozilla 5.0) and IE 6.0