CS 367 – Lecture 3


Did you get the test message to cs367-3list?  (I will send notices)

Assignments in progress:  h1 (due 1/27), p1 (due 2/1)

How many students need a partner for p1?  Are using MacOS?

Unix commands & programming proverbs

Java reviews:  handin topics, which days (4-5:15pm)?

Change in jdb tutorial handout:  modify .cshrc.local, not .cshrc

Go over p1, ask about questions; clarify i/o, 3letter words are real words

cs 367-1, cs367-2, cs367-3:  differences, similarities

feedback from Thursday’s one-minute papers

Read/study next:  program complexity analysis



Use ADTs to write good code

Implement each ADT using a Java class

Example ADT:  List

2 implementations of a List ADT:  use an array, use a linked list


public class List {

          private Object[] items;

          private int numItems;

         public void add(Object ob)  { …


// basic code  for add #1 (review)

public void add(Object ob) {

items[numItems] = ob;  // fields of item can be modified externally



// unusual cases:  array is full – insert before basic code 

// must get a new larger array, copy items to the new array, then add ob

if (numItems == items.length)



·       do expandArray by hand, then write the code

1.    get a new larger array (twice the size)

2.    copy all items from “items” to the new array

              // System.arrayCopy(array1, pos1, array2, pos2, numitems)

3.    make the new array be the list called “items”


private void expandArray() {  // doubling is a good size increase

          Object [] newArray = new Object[2*numItems]; 


          items = newArray;         // don’t forget this step!!!


public void add(int pos, Object ob)  what do we need here?

·       do the operation by hand on the conceptual picture:  add(2, x)


//basic code, assuming conceptual 1st position is #0

// step1:  move all items in positions pos through numItems-1

// step2:  put new item in items [pos]

// step3:  increment numItems

·       you can write the code!, see the on-line notes


// code to handle special cases -- insert before step1

// array is full – call expandArray

// bad position, pos <0 or pos > numItems: 

throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();  // discuss next


Implementing the Constructor

public List() {…} 

initialize the fields for an empty list - shown in notes

·       set numItems = 0

·       set items = null ??

-         not a good idea, requires another special case for

-         instead:  items = new Object[InitSize];

·       private static final int InitSize = 100;

private:  part of “internal view”

static:  only one per class

final:  value won’t change


Read Announcements

Iterators – (how many have used an iterator before?)

What are they?

objects that provide a way to access each item in a collection

for an ordered collection (like a List):

   access the item in position 1 first, then the item in position 2, etc


We can iterate through a List using the get operation:

For (int k=0; k<L.size(); k++) {

   Object ob = L.get(k);



or,             String S = (String) (L.get(k))

       // need to tell compiler that get will return a String


But to make the above code more readable, use an Iterator

·       Every class (e.g., the List class) that represents a collection of items should provide a method called “iterator” that returns an Iterator object:

          public Iterator iterator() {   

       //implementation below



·       To iterate through List L:

import java.util.*

Iterator it = L.iterator(); //create the Iterator

while (it.hasNext()) {      // see if finished

Object ob = it.next();  // get the next item


(think of the Iterator as a “finger” pointing to one item in the list)

L = x  y  z

execute the while loop by hand…


Another way to write the loop that uses the Iterator:

for (Iterator it = L.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {

Object ob = it.next();



·       if it.hasNext() returns false,

it.next() throws a NoSuchElementException


·       Iterator is an interface defined in java.util


To implement an Iterator for the List class, must define:

1.    An iterator method in the List class (that returns an Iterator object)

2.    A new class that implements the Iterator interface, specialized to work with the List class

·       supplies the hasNext, next, and remove methods

·       use a meaningful class name; e.g., ListIterator


Implementation of the iterator method in the List class:

public Iterator iterator() {

    return new ListIterator(this);



must decide how ListIterator will implement hasNext, next, …

·       cannot use a pointer to the items in the array, since that changes when expandArray is called

so, use a pointer to the List itself, and a position of “current” item

class ListIterator implements Iterator{

     private myList;

     private myPos;

     public ListIterator (List L) {

           myList = L;

           myPos = 0;


// draw Iterator fields; discuss hasNext(), next()


     public Boolean hasNext() {

        return (myPos < myList.size());


     public Object next() {

        // implementation in the class notes



Exercise to try in class:

·       ArrayList A

·       A is a list of Integers

·       Given an Integer In

In.intValue()  returns an int

          Write code that uses A’s iterator to sum values at position 0,2,4,…