Lecture 4 - Exceptions

Motivation:  when it’s not possible for a method to “do its job”

    e.g., call L.remove(-1) with invalid position

            or call it.next() when it.hasNext() is false

can be caused by

        logical error in a method’s code –- debug/remove error

        logical error in a client’s code

        bad file input data

Alternative ways of handling client code & input file errors

in some cases, could do nothing, but

           error is not detected…

   sometimes can’t do nothing (e.g., need to return a value)

        in some cases, could return a special error value

might not be possible (e.g., returns int)

might be ignored

makes code clumsy

could print an error message (and quit)

        but calling code (client) can usually print a more

    meaningful message – e.g., knows name of List

and quitting doesn’t give the client a chance to

handle the error gracefully

                e.g., close files, print meaningful message, etc.


instead:  throw an exception,

throw new ex-type();  //note "new" and "()"


·       exception is handled by client code

·       the code that throws the exception

o      does not catch the exception

o      usually does not print an error message


public void add(int pos, Object ob){

if (pos < 1 || pos > numItems)

    throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();



try {

    if (pos < 1 || pos > numItems)

         throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();


} catch (IndexOutOfBounds ex) {

    System.out.println("bad position in List");



add method in List doesn’t know the name of "this" List,

        doesn't print error message or catch the exception,

        just throws the exception


·       Homework #1 due today (hand in text file)

·       Programming assignment 1 due Tuesday

·       Homework 2 is posted, due next Thurs – lists, complexity

·       Java review session today, 4-5:15pm, 1325 CS

   Topics:  arrays, nexted loops, file i/o, Unix commands

·       Print & read for Tuesday:  notes on program complexity analysis

·       General approach to reading:

   Read on-line notes before class

   Review lecture notes & on-line notes after class

   Read relevant chapter of text for further background

                   e.g. chapter 9 for program efficiency analysis,

       chapter 7 on “iterators” for iterators, etc.

client code:  catch exceptions using a try block:

try {

      inFile = new File(filename);

      br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(inFile));

      String word = br.readLine();

      code to get pos from word;


    } catch(IOException ex) {

             System.out.println("Error trying to read from file "

 + args[0]);

          Sytstem.out.print("Enter new file name: ");


    } catch (IndexOutOfBoundException ex2) {

         code to handle Index out of bounds exception

    } finally { // optional – usually leave out

         statements that always execute before leaving this try block



·       other exceptions are propagated up the call chain

if not caught, the program will stop with an error message


three choices:

·       catch and handle the exception

·       can throw the exception again after handling it

·       ignore the exception (let it propagate up the call chain)



"checked"/"unchecked" exceptions

o      specified in Java documentation for exception type

o      IndexOutOfBounds is unchecked;

o      IOException, FileNotFound are checked

o      need a “throws” clause in the header of a method     only if the method might throw a checked exception

private m3() throws IOException { … }

o      code that calls a method that might throw a checked exception, must either

§       be in a try/catch block, or

§       must have a throws clause in the header of the method that contains the calling code


void m1() {     void m2() {         void m3() {

   m2();           m3();               A[-1] = 0;

   ...                                ...

}               }                   }

·       statement with bad index is not in a try

·       exception is passed up to m2; also not in a try

·       exception is passed up again, etc.


What if we replace A[-1] = 0; with call to readLine()?

·       can throw a checked IOException

·       put call to readLine in a try/catch block

·       m3() throws IOException, same choices for m2(), etc

What exception to throw?

·       Use an existing exception –

e.g., IndexOutOfBoundsException, IOException, etc.

·       Or define and throw your own exception


Java exceptions are objects (instances of classes), created by using new,  

e.g., in the List get method if passed a bad position:

         throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();

or   throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(s);

// s is a String that contains an error message


How to define/throw your own exceptions:

·       Define an exception by defining a public class:

public class myException extends RuntimeException {

} // often leave the exception class empty

·       all user defined exceptions must be sub-classes of Throwable;

·       sub-classes of Exception are checked;

·       subclasses of  RuntimeException are unchecked

·       You can optionally include fields, methods

e.g., a String field to contain an error message

·       Once defined, you can throw the exception using a throw statement

throw new MyException();


·       If a method can’t do it’s job, it should throw an exception

throw new XXXException();

·       Can use “built-in” exceptions, or define new ones using a new class that extends Exception (checked) or RuntimeException (not checked)

·       Client code should catch exceptions using try/catch

·       If a method has a statement that might throw a checked exception,

o      it must be called in a try/catch,

o      or the header of the calling method must have a

“throws clause”


Note:  throws clause in header is part of method's signature;

        if the method specification doesn't have throws clause,

                need to use try/catch instead


Exercise in class: