Lecture 23:  Priority Queues


conceptual picture:






·       initialize - create an empty priority queue

·       insert a priority (perhaps with associated info)

·       remove & return the highest priority item (& assoc. data)

·       isEmpty



insert  1,  5,  10,  2,  6

then remove 5 times:

        from normal queue:  1,  5,  10,  2,  6

        from priority queue:  10, 6, 5,  2,  1

application:    event (or task) scheduling – e.g., "To Do" list

To implement a priority queue: use a HEAP

·       a balanced binary tree

height always O(log N) where N is the # of nodes

·       each node has a Comparable key value

·       tree has the following order and shape properties:

the order property:

        for every node n,

               n's key is ³ all keys in its subtrees

the shape property

1.      all leaves are at depty d or d-1  (for some d)

2.    all leaves at depth d are to the left of the leaves at depth d-1

3.    at most one node has just one child

that child is the left child of its parent

it is the rightmost leaf at depth d


Valid heap:                            Valid heap shapes:





·       a heap is not a BST!

Invalid heap shapes


no    (leaves are at depth 2 and 4)

        violates shape property 1




no    (leaf at depth 2 is to the left of leaves at

                depth 3 – violates property 2)




no    (more than one node has just one child)

        violates property 3




no    (one child node is the right child)

        violates property 3




no    (one child is leftmost leaf at depth d)

        violates property 3

You try:  which of these are heaps?


(1)                                                                                                                            (2)



                   (3)                                                (4)                        (5)








                        (6)                                           (7)

Solutions   yes: (2), (4), (5), (6)

                   no:  (1), (3), (7)


More trees that have the shape property:








More examples







           valid                             doesn't have the order property




·       these heaps (with max at the root) are sometimes called max-heaps

·       can also have min-heap  (value at n is £ value of children)

To implement a heap, use an array

·       each node corresponds to one position in the array

·       array[0] is not used  (empty or set to null)

·       the root is in array[1]

·       simple array indexing:  for a node in array[k]

o      left child is in array[2k]

o      right child is in array[2k+1]

o      parent is in array[k/2] - integer divide w/ truncation











Note:  shape property guarantees that there are no "holes" in the array!

Priority Queue:  insert(p)

need to insert a new item (priority) so that

·       heap still has the shape and order properties

·       time is reasonable – i.e., O(log N)                           where N = # of values in the queue

step 1:  add new value at the end of the array

                old                           new



                                                                new rightmost leaf

                                                                   at depth d




                                                              new leaf at depth d+1


step 2:  compare new value with parent

        if wrong order (child > parent) then swap

        repeat up the tree until no further swaps are needed

Example:  insert 8








                                                    leave alone        swap


You try:  insert  20


















0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8       


      9    7    8    2    6    3    5   20     


Priority Queue:  remove( )

·       highest priority is always at array[1]   (the root)

·       save array[1] and return it after removing the root

·       to remove the root (while keeping order and shape):

step 1: 

o      replace root with value at the end of the array

                (rightmost leaf at depth d) –

o      remove that leaf

step 2: 

o      if root < a child then swap with the larger child

o      repeat as needed down the tree



remove ( )





   (1)       (3)






You try:  remove again


Runtime efficiency for insert and remove


·       add a value at the end of the array:  O(1)

·       swap values up the tree:  worst case is all the way up

O(h) = O(log N) where N is the # of values in heap



·       get value from root:  O(1)

·       replace with value at the end of the array

worst case: swap with a value at every level

O(h) = O(log N)


Note:  efficiency of insert and remove for a heap

are the same as

for a priority queue implemented using a 2-3 tree,


·       less space overhead

·       much simpler to program