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Asiaweek magazine: The Best Universities of Asia

My apology for the bad format. None of the Vietnamese universities is
among the top 50. 

                        The Best Universities of Asia

                                                                                                                               SELECTED INDICATORS

 Rank               Overall   Academic  Rank  Faculty   Rank   Student   Rank  Financial Rank Value  Rank Students Rank Teachers with Rank  Average  Rank Avera
                     Score   Reputation      Resources       Selectivity       Resources       for           per        postgraduate        annual         annu
                                30%             25%              20%              15%         Money        teacher        degree(%)         teacher       tuiti
                                                                                               10%                                          pay and         and
                                                                                                                                           benefits,       fees
                                                                                                                                              PPP           PPP

  1   University of  87.52     30.00      1    14.08     12     19.89      3     15.00    1    8.55   1       7     4        88        18   85,620     8   3,57
  2       Kyoto      79.86     25.53      4    15.55     7      19.92      2     11.23    2    7.63   2       5     1        88        18   93,598     6   3,32
  3   University of  77.38     23.97      6    17.51     2      19.77      6     9.51     4    6.62   3      10     13       100       1   154,520     3   4,01
        Hong Kong
  4     National     72.01     26.74      2    16.81     4      18.96     16     4.60     14   4.89   19     11     17       93        15   75,070    11   3,20
      University of
  5      Chinese     70.23     20.55     20    17.49     3      18.39     21     7.60     6    6.22   7      12     19       100       1   211,133     2   4,30
      University of
        Hong Kong
  6   University of  69.78     23.16     10    14.61     10     17.88     26     8.08     5    6.06   8      15     27       81        28   49,227    20   2,55
        New South
  7      Peking      67.66     23.63      7    19.39     1      19.76      7     1.42     28   3.45   38      5     1        100       1    4,180     40   4,29
  8     National     67.32     22.07     13    12.22     22     19.82      5     6.75     7    6.47   4       8     8        87        25   46,707    23   1,60
  9   University of  65.44     26.42      3    12.60     21     17.68     27     3.99     16   4.76   25     12     19       81        28   49,227    21   2,16
  10    Hong Kong    64.76     20.89     19    13.89     14     18.35     22     5.66     9    5.97   9      10     13       100       1    40,071    28   4,09
      University of
       Science and
  11  University of  64.25     19.79     24    15.60     6      18.76     19     4.98     10   5.12   17      9     12       100       1    99,823     5    120
  12      Keio       63.41     22.95     11    14.46     11     15.90     37     6.20     8    3.91   34     30     39       88        18  277,784     1   6,80
  13   Australian    62.97     25.00      5    11.92     25     17.29     29     3.26     21   5.49   12     16     30       90        17   72,635    12   1,61
  14  University of  62.04     23.48      8    13.98     13     15.75     39     3.47     20   5.35   14     10     13       88        18   54,566    19    823
  15     Nanyang     61.40     18.92     28    13.22     18     19.13     14     3.76     18   6.37   5      12     19       98        9    83,267     9    275
  16 Seoul National  61.35     23.16      9    13.24     17     19.39     10     0.84     35   4.71   26     17     33       99        8     N.A.           789
  17     Monash      60.83     22.42     12    12.10     23     16.62     31     4.88     11   4.81   22     19     35       100       1    63,105    14   2,03
  18     Yonsei      59.69     18.75     29    13.33     16     18.84     17     4.68     13   4.10   33     20     36       95        12   62,556    15   4,38
  19    Institut     59.46     17.66     34     8.42     36     19.59      8     10.81    3    2.98   40      8     8        52        41   10,318    36   1,31
  20    National     59.45     17.30     37    11.98     24     19.18     13     4.68     12   6.31   6       7     4        73        31   65,873    13    893
      University of
  21  University of  59.23     21.85     14    12.68     20     17.16     30     2.07     24   5.46   13     13     23       94        13   62,148    16    340
  22  University of  59.07     20.17     23    11.43     26     19.56      9     3.13     22   4.78   24     14     26       88        18   45,467    25   1,73
      Auckland (New
  23 National Tsing  58.62     19.74     25    13.59     15     19.29     11     2.27     23   3.73   36      8     8        98        9    46,921    22   6,14
     Hua University
  24  University of  56.44     21.48     17    12.98     19     12.22     43     3.96     17   5.80   10     13     23       82        27   59,574    17   1,39
  25  University of  55.43     19.11     26    10.69     29     17.44     28     3.56     19   4.64   28      8     8        60        39   4,740     39   1,67
  26     Waseda      54.82     21.53     16    10.52     31     15.86     38     4.26     15   2.65   41     41     42       88        18  104,900     4   4,95
  27    Victoria     52.37     16.12     39    11.11     27     18.76     20     1.82     26   4.57   29     16     30       93        15   44,130    26   1,74
      University of
      (New Zealand)
  28      Fudan      51.98     20.21     22     4.62     43     19.93      1     2.03     25   5.20   16      7     4        73        31   5,371     38    999
  29  University of  50.55     18.65     30    16.46     5      15.45     41      N.A          N.A           15     27       100       1     N.A           N.A.
  30  Universidade   50.07     12.94     48    14.99     8      16.50     33     1.32     29   4.33   30     11     17       69        33   45,901    24   2,22
        de Macau
  31      Korea      49.46     18.39     33    14.66     9      16.41     34      N.A          N.A.          24     37       98        9     N.A.          N.A.
  32   Universitas   49.45     17.66     34     7.94     40     17.96     24     1.10     32   4.79   23      7     4        63        37   17,317    33    818
  33  Zhongsan [Sun  49.20     14.91     42    10.36     32     18.32     23     0.63     39   4.99   18      5     1        56        40   6,282     37    509
  34  University of  49.15     13.70     47     9.00     35     19.82      4     1.11     31   5.52   11     16     30       64        36   24,992    30    15
  35    Doshisha     47.94     14.06     45    10.59     30     16.24     36     1.80     27   5.26   15     35     41       94        13   91,987     7    444
  36    Thammasat    47.63     15.60     40     7.98     39     19.12     15     0.26     41   4.66   27     15     27      N.A.            41,639    27    753
  37   Universitas   46.94     16.74     38     6.40     41     18.80     18     0.77     37   4.23   32     12     19       63        37   16,179    34   1,53
       Gadjah Mada
  38   Universitas   45.96     12.49     49     8.33     37     19.27     12     0.99     33   4.87   20     10     13       66        35   18,462    32    765
  39    Ateneo de    45.87     14.06     46    11.04     28     16.51     32     0.81     36   3.45   39     18     34       69        33   29,344    29   3,81
  40     Aoyama      44.87     14.46     43    10.07     33     15.61     40     1.23     30   3.49   37     45     43       88        18   76,088    10   3,60
  41   De La Salle   44.72     14.46     43     9.32     34     16.31     35     0.90     34   3.73   35     26     38       74        30   56,462    18   3,02
  42   Universitas   43.77     12.09     50     8.18     38     17.95     25     0.70     38   4.85   21     13     23       37        43   10,318    35    591
  43  University of  38.02     15.14     41     4.70     42     13.33     42     0.55     40   4.29   31     33     40       45        42   18,965    31   1,25
       Santo Tomas
  44  Chulalongkorn  21.63     21.63     15                                                                                  84        26

  45     Qinghua     21.31     21.31     18

  46  University of  20.55     20.55     20

  47   Jawaharlal    19.03     19.03     27

  48     Nanjing     18.59     18.59     31

  49     Science     18.49     18.49     32
      University of

  50  University of  17.55     17.55     36

 The last seven universities did not submit adequate data or declined to participate in the survey.      Derived from 1) 1996 tuition and other fees divided by
 University of Delhi, Korea University and Seoul National University could not provide some financial    of students and 2) difference between spending per stu
 information. Academic Reputation: Each university was asked to rate its peers on a scale of 1 to 5. The and tuition and other fees collected per student.
 ratings were totaled and divided by the number of responses. Faculty Resources: The rating was derived  Methodology: Variables were ranked from highest to low
 from four sub-attributes: 1) the number of teachers with post-graduate degrees, 2) median pay, 3)       with the top university assigned 100 points. The other
 university spending on faculty salaries and other benefits, and 4) class size. Student Selectivity:     assigned points as a percentage of the top score. When
 Derived from three attributes: 1) number of enrollees compared with applicants offered places, 2) ratio piece of data is not available, the lowest score of a
 of 1997 sophomores to 1996 freshmen, and 3) graduation rate. Financial resources: Derived from 1) total from the same country was used when applicable. All mo
 spending in 1996 and 2) university spending per student. Value-for-Money:                               figures were converted to Purchasing-Power Parity, bas
                                                                                                         World Bank ratios.