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Re: Keith Taylor

Keith Taylor hie^.n la` Associate Professor of Asian Studies (Vietnamese
Studies) ta.i Cornell University. Lua^.n a'n tie^'n si~ ve^` nguo^`n go^'c
da^n Vie^.t tu+` tho+` la^.p quo^'c cho to+'i nha` DDinh (University of
Michigan, 1976) xua^'t ba?n tha`nh sa'ch "The Birth of Vietnam" (1983).

	Taylor, Keith Weller, "The Birth of Vietnam." Berkeley: University
	of California Press, 1983 (revised version of Ph. D. at University
	of Michigan, 1976). Paperback, 397pp. ISBN 0-520-07417-3
	(DS556.6T39 1982) 

Faculty directory cu?a Cornell University (http://www.cornell.edu) cho
listing sau dda^y:
      Last Name:  TAYLOR
     First Name:  KEITH W
         E-Mail:  KWT3@CORNELL.EDU
         Office:  116 ROCKEFELLER HALL
     Department:  ASIAN STUDIES
          Phone:  (607) 255-3237