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Brve New World

Hi bac Minh,

> Ba'c Thanh Dang co' vie^'t nha^`m "A brand new world" tha`nh 
> "A Brave New World" kho^ng?

Well, the original English title was "Brave New World", written by
Huxley in 1932. I read it in English recently, so I'm not sure
if it was translated to Vietnamese or other languages, and if so,
with what title.

Actually I read this book thanks to a recommendation by my
professor, when I took the Digital Image Processing class.
It's just scary to observe some parallel between what's going on 
around us and what was predicted well 60 years ago. In a sense,
Huxley's visions were much more terrifying to me than Orwell's
dictatorship described in "1984". BTW, folks interested in political 
science must all read these great books, other than casual
readers like me. Last, I also recommend some of books from
Kurt Vonnegut that might make you wonder as well once in a while.

A short comment on this book:

	In this brave new world, people are created on an
	assembly line, and there are no mothers and no fathers. 
	People are typecast into their area of profession from 
	before birth, if you could call it that. People are given 
	drugs to control themselves, and there is no personal freedom. 
	It also illustrates that a utopia created can be an Eden or a hell, 
	depending on the point of view. 
OK, let's close this "sensitive" discussion ;-)

