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Re: SSL and Netscape (and Ba('c Ngu.y)

Hi ba'c Aiviet and all,

SSL is an encrypting standard set forth by Netscape to ensure that the
sensitive data exchanged in a HTTP transmission is secured and can't be 
sniffed by a third party. Actually, SSL is a encryption layer lays on top of 

We know that the lower protocol encapsulates the upper data and adds its own 
header, so data encrypted by SSL standard is transparent to TCP/IP.

In theory, a web server supports SSL can implement SSL transmission on any 
fee port, including the typical 80 for http, providing that the browsers 
that make request also support SSL and the server can prove itself is 
trustable. Most of the secure servers doing e-commerce on the Internet 
listen on TCP 80 port.

By the way, I have some history stories clipped from a book by La^m Ha'n 
DDa.t and Ta`o Du+ Chu+o+ng on Liu Song and Bei Wei dynasties. This book is 
named "Li.ch su+? TQ 5000 na(m", translated by Tra^`n Ngo.c Thua^.n, and 
published on 1998 by NXB Va(n ho'a tho^ng tin. The book is a collection of 
stories in chronological order covered a long period from Tam Hoa`ng, Ngu~ 
DDe^' to Ta`n Thanh.
In case some of you are interested in, I will post some stories related to 
that period.

From: Aiviet Nguyen <aiviet2@YAHOO.COM>
>Reply-To: vnsa@list-server.net
>To: vnsa@list-server.net
>Subject: SSL and Netscape
>Date: Mon, 23 Aug 1999 10:26:51 -0700 (PDT)
>Hello ba` con,
>    To^i ddang quan ta^m to+'i banking on-line va` e-commerce va` cho+.t
>co' ma^'y ca^u ho?i linh tinh.
>    Nghe no'i Netscape va` IE browsers dde^`u co' du`ng SSL dde^? trao
>ddo^?i tho^ng tin giu+~a server va` client. Kho^ng bie^'t anh na`o hay
>ho+n nhi?.
>    SSL co' nghi~a la` ba^'t cu+' mo^.t exchange na`o giu+~a server va`
>client dde^`u bi. encrypted, hay chi? khi na`o server no'i "do it" thi`
>mo+'i trao ddo^?i ma^.t ma~ va` tho^ng tin ma~ ho'a tho^i.
>    Ne^'u lu'c na`o cu~ng ma~ ho'a thi` du`ng yahoo account ma^'y vi.
>gateway hay firewall la`m sao ddo.c ddu+o+.c .
>    Ne^'u kho^ng ma~ thi` du`ng on-line banking cha('c bi. "cho~m" ma^'t
>login ID va` Password tre^n ddu+o+`ng ddi ma^'t.
>Do You Yahoo!?
>Bid and sell for free at http://auctions.yahoo.com

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