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Cable network

Cha`o ca'c ba'c,

   Ho^m nay co' vie^.c nhi`n tha^'y mo^.t diagram ne^n nho+' ra co' la^`n 
ba'c Vie^.t ho?i ta.i sao pha?i digitize voice calls trong AT&T cable 
network, to^i hie^?u nhu+ sau:
   Ca'i cable network ddo' du`ng CSMA/CD kie^?u Ethernet, chu+' kho^ng pha?i 
Time division multiplexing. Nhu+ va^.y lo+.i du.ng ti'nh tu+o+ng thi'ch 
ra^'t pho^? bie^'n cu?a Ethernet, and its inherent broadcast nature, 
chuye^.n broadcast digital TV se~ ddu+o+.c gia?i quye^'t tru+o+'c tie^n. 
Internet traffic va` digitized voice se~ a(n ke' va`o.
   Ca'i kho' la` Ethernet thu+o+`ng suffer collision, ma` ma.ng home cable 
hie^.n ta.i cha('c pha?i co' collision domain diameter lo+'n ho+n so vo+'i 
ma.ng va(n pho`ng. Cha('c AT&T co`n pha?i che^' ra ca'ch access kha'c ddi 
chu't (thay delay time before restransmission cha(?ng ha.n).
   Tha?o na`o ba(~ng ddi mo^.t da.o kho^ng dde^? y', ma^'y ha~ng la`m voice 
over IP le^n kha' qua'.

Tuan Anh.

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