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W/News/Kyodo : Stocks fall sharply, dollar down in Tokyo --- Japan says it will not pay ransom to rebels

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Damaged nuclear reactor now running smoothly: report

China's state-controlled media reported Monday that a nuclear power
plant, shut down last year due to an accident, is now ''totally safe''
and has resumed operation.  Loose parts securing nuclear fuel rods in
the core of the Qinshan nuclear power plant in eastern Zhejiang Province
forced its closure on July 14 last year, the China Daily reported,
acknowledging for the first time an accident shut down the nuclear

DILI, East Timor, Oct.  18 .......  Back to headlines

Japanese medical staff join E. Timor health effort

Three Japanese medical staff who arrived in Dili on Sunday to work in
the Red Cross hospital there hit the ground running to help restore
health services to the people of East Timor.  More than 130 doctors,
nurses and technicians from countries including Switzerland, Canada,
Holland, France and now Japan, are camping out in the wards of Dili's
central hospital, which was deserted by its mainly Indonesian medical
staff during the crisis surrounding the territory's independence vote. 

SINGAPORE, Oct.  18 .......  Back to headlines

IMF calls on Bank of Japan to do more

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) urged the Bank of Japan on Monday
to strive harder to induce a more expansionary monetary stance in the
wake of the recent strengthening of the Japanese yen. 
''With interest rates at zero, there is the question of what
more the central bank can do,'' IMF First Deputy Managing Director
Stanley Fischer said at the East Asia Economic Summit conference in
Singapore organized by the Geneva-based World Economic Forum. 

TOKYO, Oct.  18 .......  Back to headlines

Asia-Pacific defense forum to be held Tues., Wed. 

Senior defense officials from 21 Asia-Pacific nations and the European
Union will meet at a Tokyo hotel Tuesday and Wednesday to discuss
enhancing regional security dialogue, government officials said Monday. 
The forum, sponsored by Japan's Defense Agency, is aimed at building
mutual trust and increasing the transparency of military activities in
participating countries. 

TOKYO, Oct.  18 .......  Back to headlines

Japan says it will not pay ransom to rebels

Japan will not pay ransom money to Muslim rebels in northern Tajikistan
in exchange for the release of four Japanese they have taken hostage,
the top government spokesman said Monday.  Asked at a news conference
whether Japan will try to resolve the hostage crisis by paying a ransom,
Chief Cabinet Secretary Mikio Aoki said, ''We are not thinking about
that at all.''

TOKYO, Oct.  18 .......  Back to headlines

Stocks fall sharply, dollar down in Tokyo

Share prices on the Tokyo Stock Exchange fell sharply Monday, reflecting
uncertainty over the course of New York stock prices, with the key
225-issue Nikkei index closing below 17,500 for the first time in 12
trading days.  On the foreign exchange market, the dollar traded at
105.01-04 yen late Monday, down from 105.37-40 yen early and from
105.45-55 yen in New York trading late Friday.  It traded at 105.75-80
yen in Tokyo late Friday. 

TOKYO, Oct.  18 .......  Back to headlines

Nissan to close main plant in western Tokyo

Nissan Motor Co.  said Monday it will shut down its plant in
Musashimurayama, western Tokyo, in March 2001 as part of its
restructuring plan designed to reduce the automaker's production
capacity by 30%.  The plant is one of Nissan's principal manufacturing
factories, producing seven popular models, including the Skyline, March
and Cube, at a combined annual production of around 300,000 units. 

TOKYO, Oct.  18 .......  Back to headlines

BOJ sees bright spots in economy, but problems remain

Hopeful signs are still emerging in the Japanese economy, but the yen's
surge, slow corporate capital spending and record-high unemployment
could hold back an early recovery, branch managers of the Bank of Japan
(BOJ) said Monday.  At their quarterly meeting, the heads of the central
bank's nationwide offices said business confidence remains in an upward
trend on the strength of such factors as a gradual upturn in production.

DILI, East Timor, Oct.  18 .......  Back to headlines

Besieged enclave to be protected, Interfet says

The U.N.-sanctioned international force in East Timor (Interfet) plans
to move into the Oekusi enclave inside West Timor, Interfet spokesman
Col.  Mark Kelly said Monday, following reports East Timorese in the
area are being terrorized by Indonesian troops.  Kelly said the East
Timor enclave, which lies 80 kilometers (50 miles) west of the border
between East and West Timor, was a clear part of Interfet's mandate. 

SINGAPORE, Oct.  18 .......  Back to headlines

Mahathir proposes creation of E. Asian Monetary Fund

Malaysia's Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad proposed Monday setting up an
East Asian Monetary Fund (EMF) to empower the region to deal with
economic and financial problems without outsiders' interference. 
''We, in East Asia, can begin by establishing an East Asian
Monetary Fund, a small compact, wholly regional funding organization,
which would be deeply and constantly engaged in East Asian monetary
cooperation and problems on a daily basis as opposed to a
once-a-decade-when-crisis-strikes basis,'' Mahathir said. 

TOKAIMURA, Japan, Oct.  18 .......  Back to headlines

Nuclear accident costs Tokaimura firms 300 mil.  yen

The estimated damage to businesses in Tokaimura, Ibaraki Prefecture,
from Japan's worst nuclear accident there now stands at some 300 million
yen (about $2.86 million), according to a survey released Monday by a
local business group.  The figure represents estimated losses incurred
by 251 out of 740 member firms of the Tokaimura Society of Commerce and
Industry in a 13-day period beginning Sept.  30, when a nuclear fission
chain reaction occurred at a uranium processing plant run by Tokyo-based
JCO Co.  in the village. 

PHNOM PENH, Oct.  18 .......  Back to headlines

Japan grants $900,000 to Cambodia's mine agency

Japan will give $900,000 to Cambodia's land mine-clearing agency to
cover a budget shortfall which has threatened to shut down its
operations, a Japanese official said Monday. 
''Japan has decided to grant $900,000 to the Cambodian Mine
Action Center for its operation,'' Toshihiko Horiuchi, the embassy's
first secretary, told Kyodo News. 

Do You Yahoo!?  Bid and sell for free at Yahoo!  Auctions. 

Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii

<P><STRONG>Damaged nuclear reactor now running smoothly: report</STRONG></P>
<P>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; China's state-controlled media reported Monday that a nuclear<BR>power plant, shut down last year due to an accident, is now ''totally<BR>safe'' and has resumed operation.<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Loose parts securing nuclear fuel rods in the core of the <BR>Qinshan nuclear power plant in eastern Zhejiang Province forced its <BR>closure on July 14 last year, the China Daily reported, acknowledging <BR>for the first time an accident shut down the nuclear plant.</P>
<P><BR>DILI, East Timor, Oct. 18 ....... Back to headlines</P>
<P>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <STRONG>Japanese medical staff join E. Timor health effort</STRONG></P>
<P>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Three Japanese medical staff who arrived in Dili on Sunday to<BR>work in the Red Cross hospital there hit the ground running to help<BR>restore health services to the people of East Timor.<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; More than 130 doctors, nurses and technicians from countries <BR>including Switzerland, Canada, Holland, France and now Japan, are <BR>camping out in the wards of Dili's central hospital, which was <BR>deserted by its mainly Indonesian medical staff during the crisis <BR>surrounding the territory's independence vote.</P>
<P><BR>SINGAPORE, Oct. 18 ....... Back to headlines</P>
<P>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <STRONG>IMF calls on Bank of Japan to do more</STRONG></P>
<P>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The International Monetary Fund (IMF) urged the Bank of Japan on<BR>Monday to strive harder to induce a more expansionary monetary stance<BR>in the wake of the recent strengthening of the Japanese yen.<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ''With interest rates at zero, there is the question of what <BR>more the central bank can do,'' IMF First Deputy Managing Director <BR>Stanley Fischer said at the East Asia Economic Summit conference in <BR>Singapore organized by the Geneva-based World Economic Forum.</P>
<P><BR>TOKYO, Oct. 18 ....... Back to headlines</P>
<P>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <STRONG>Asia-Pacific defense forum to be held Tues., Wed.</STRONG></P>
<P>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Senior defense officials from 21 Asia-Pacific nations and the<BR>European Union will meet at a Tokyo hotel Tuesday and Wednesday to<BR>discuss enhancing regional security dialogue, government officials<BR>said Monday.<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The forum, sponsored by Japan's Defense Agency, is aimed at <BR>building mutual trust and increasing the transparency of military <BR>activities in participating countries.</P>
<P><BR>TOKYO, Oct. 18 ....... Back to headlines</P>
<P>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <STRONG>Japan says it will not pay ransom to rebels</STRONG></P>
<P>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Japan will not pay ransom money to Muslim rebels in northern<BR>Tajikistan in exchange for the release of four Japanese they have<BR>taken hostage, the top government spokesman said Monday.<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Asked at a news conference whether Japan will try to resolve the <BR>hostage crisis by paying a ransom, Chief Cabinet Secretary Mikio Aoki <BR>said, ''We are not thinking about that at all.''</P>
<P><BR>TOKYO, Oct. 18 ....... Back to headlines</P>
<P>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <STRONG>Stocks fall sharply, dollar down in Tokyo</STRONG></P>
<P>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Share prices on the Tokyo Stock Exchange fell sharply Monday,<BR>reflecting uncertainty over the course of New York stock prices, with<BR>the key 225-issue Nikkei index closing below 17,500 for the first<BR>time in 12 trading days.<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; On the foreign exchange market, the dollar traded at 105.01-04 <BR>yen late Monday, down from 105.37-40 yen early and from 105.45-55 yen <BR>in New York trading late Friday. It traded at 105.75-80 yen in Tokyo <BR>late Friday.</P>
<P><BR>TOKYO, Oct. 18 ....... Back to headlines</P>
<P>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <STRONG>Nissan to close main plant in western Tokyo</STRONG></P>
<P>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Nissan Motor Co. said Monday it will shut down its plant in<BR>Musashimurayama, western Tokyo, in March 2001 as part of its<BR>restructuring plan designed to reduce the automaker's production<BR>capacity by 30%.<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The plant is one of Nissan's principal manufacturing factories, <BR>producing seven popular models, including the Skyline, March and <BR>Cube, at a combined annual production of around 300,000 units.</P>
<P><BR>TOKYO, Oct. 18 ....... Back to headlines<STRONG></STRONG></P>
<P><STRONG>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; BOJ sees bright spots in economy, but problems remain</STRONG></P>
<P>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Hopeful signs are still emerging in the Japanese economy, but<BR>the yen's surge, slow corporate capital spending and record-high<BR>unemployment could hold back an early recovery, branch managers of<BR>the Bank of Japan (BOJ) said Monday.<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; At their quarterly meeting, the heads of the central bank's <BR>nationwide offices said business confidence remains in an upward <BR>trend on the strength of such factors as a gradual upturn in <BR>production.</P>
<P><BR>DILI, East Timor, Oct. 18 ....... Back to headlines</P>
<P><STRONG>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Besieged enclave to be protected, Interfet says</STRONG></P>
<P>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The U.N.-sanctioned international force in East Timor (Interfet)<BR>plans to move into the Oekusi enclave inside West Timor, Interfet<BR>spokesman Col. Mark Kelly said Monday, following reports East<BR>Timorese in the area are being terrorized by Indonesian troops.<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Kelly said the East Timor enclave, which lies 80 kilometers (50 <BR>miles) west of the border between East and West Timor, was a clear <BR>part of Interfet's mandate.</P>
<P><BR>SINGAPORE, Oct. 18 ....... Back to headlines</P>
<P><STRONG>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Mahathir proposes creation of E. Asian Monetary Fund</STRONG></P>
<P>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Malaysia's Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad proposed Monday<BR>setting up an East Asian Monetary Fund (EMF) to empower the region to<BR>deal with economic and financial problems without outsiders'<BR>interference.<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ''We, in East Asia, can begin by establishing an East Asian <BR>Monetary Fund, a small compact, wholly regional funding organization, <BR>which would be deeply and constantly engaged in East Asian monetary <BR>cooperation and problems on a daily basis as opposed to a <BR>once-a-decade-when-crisis-strikes basis,'' Mahathir said.</P>
<P><BR>TOKAIMURA, Japan, Oct. 18 ....... Back to headlines</P>
<P><STRONG>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Nuclear accident costs Tokaimura firms 300 mil. yen</STRONG></P>
<P>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The estimated damage to businesses in Tokaimura, Ibaraki<BR>Prefecture, from Japan's worst nuclear accident there now stands at<BR>some 300 million yen (about $2.86 million), according to a survey<BR>released Monday by a local business group.<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The figure represents estimated losses incurred by 251 out of <BR>740 member firms of the Tokaimura Society of Commerce and Industry in <BR>a 13-day period beginning Sept. 30, when a nuclear fission chain <BR>reaction occurred at a uranium processing plant run by Tokyo-based <BR>JCO Co. in the village.</P>
<P><BR>PHNOM PENH, Oct. 18 ....... Back to headlines</P>
<P>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <STRONG>Japan grants $900,000 to Cambodia's mine agency</STRONG></P>
<P>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Japan will give $900,000 to Cambodia's land mine-clearing agency<BR>to cover a budget shortfall which has threatened to shut down its<BR>operations, a Japanese official said Monday.<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ''Japan has decided to grant $900,000 to the Cambodian Mine <BR>Action Center for its operation,'' Toshihiko Horiuchi, the embassy's <BR>first secretary, told Kyodo News.</P>
<br><hr size=1><b>Do You Yahoo!?</b><br>Bid and sell for free at <a href="http://auctions.yahoo.com/">Yahoo! Auctions</a>.<br>