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Re: Thermal death, Physics's reign Re: Origine of Life

Hi Vu~,

  No'i la.i the^m cho cha('c a(n (ma(.c du` dda~ no'i
trong message tru+o+'c)
--- Bui Anh Vu <vabui@students.wisc.edu> wrote:

> "Deduct" o*? dda^y du`ng theo y' "du`ng ca'c model 
cu?a mo^.t discipline 
> na`y dde^? ti`m ca'ch gia?i quye^'t ca'c va^'n
dde^`cu?a discipline 
> kha'c/." 

> Vie^.c xa^y du*.ng models trong Physics phu. thuo^.c
va`o  experience, background, etc. cu?a physicist/. 
Cha(?ng ha.n ne^'u Newton la` 
> nguo*`i Trung Quo^'c thi` co' le~ 3 ddi.nh lua^.t
cu?a o^?ng dda~ co' 
> "khi'" trong ddo' thay vi` "lu*.c"/. 

   Cu+' theo ddu'ng ddi.ng nghi~a cu?a Vu~ ve^`
deduction  vie^'t o+? tre^n nhe'. Ddi.nh nghi~a na`y
du+o+`ng nhu+ ru't tu+` deduction cu?a biology ve^` 
Chemistry-Physics.Ta thu+? kie^?m tra ca'i mu~I te^n
sau cu`ng. Trong vi' du. tre^n cu?a Vu~ thi` model
na`o la` cu?a Psychology dde^? "gia?i quye^'t" ca'c
va^'n dde^` va^.t ly'. Chi? tha^'y co' ca'c model
va^.t ly' bi. a?nh hu+o+?ng bo+?i psychology (hoa`n
toa`n kha'c ddi.nh nghi~a tre^n nhe'):-)). Da^~u bi.
a?nh hu+o+?ng bo+? Psychology thi` va^~n la` physical
model chu+' chu+a tro+? tha`nh psychological model.

  Ti`m ca'c model cu?a psychology dde^? gia?i thi'ch
ca'c va^'n dde^` va^.t ly' thi` ...ho+i bi. kho' :-))



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