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Smoothness , Causality and Discret Objects Re: Gelfand, NCG

Hi Iga,

--- Iga Nguyen <iga@blue.cft.edu.pl> wrote:
>   Co`n anh AV thi` a?nh a^'y ra^'t ye^u smooth
manifolds ne^n
> chi? co' differential geometry a?nh a^'y hie^?u la`
> Geometry :-)

   Nha^n dda^y ba`n ta.i sao tui la.i ye^u smooth
manifold. To^i tin o+? Causality ne^n thi'ch smooth
manifold. Ne^'u kho^ng co' Causality thi` cha('c cu~ng
kho^ng co' Science nu+~a.  Theo to^i ha^`u he^'t qua'
tri`nh evolution la` smooth.  Tuy nhie^n cu~ng co'
> A?nh a^'y cu~ng kho^ng co^ng nha^.n algebraic
geometry hay discrete
> geometry la` hi`nh ho.c :-))

   Ca'i ddo' thi` sai:-)) Va^'n dde^` la` co' ti'nh
toa'n ddu+o+.c hay kho^ng.
Chi? ca^y ddo^.i mu~ vo+'i mu~i te^n to^i tha^'y nhu+
la` no'i phe't ca? :-))
Co^' nhie^n tui hie^?u la` ca^`n thie^'t, nhu+ng to^i
muo^'n tha^'y ngay mo^.t machinary lo+'n pha?i co' y'
nghi~a la`m ddu+o+.c gi` mo+'i.
Ne^'u kho^ng thi'ch Algebraic geometry hay discrete
geometry sao la.i thi'ch NCG.

    A` nha^n dda^y ho?i ca'c nha` toa'n ho.c mo^.t
chu't. Theo to^i NCG la` tool ra^'t hay dde^? deal
vo+'i discrete objects. Co' nguye^n nha^n sa^u xa gi`
hay kho^ng?


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