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Red Vacance Black Wedding Poster

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Original Title

붉은 바캉스 검은 웨딩

Movie Facts

Status: Released

Runtime: 90

Budget: -

Revenue: -

Language: ko

Webpage: -

Release Info

  •  R

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Content Score: 56

7.0/10 (1 vote)


Red Vacance A young woman and a married middle-aged man have been involved in an affair for 6 years. They plan to go on a vacation, but the man's wife learns of their affair and takes her husband to a remote place. There the wife asks the husband about his affair. As the husband explains his affair, the wife becomes angrier. The wife is about to burn her husband. Meanwhile, the young woman who was involved in the affair receives a text message from the married man. The young woman goes to meet him, but the text message was actually sent by his wife. All three persons then meet at a vacation home ...


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Directors: Kim Tai-sik, Park Chul-soo

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Oh In-Hye

Oh In-Hye
as Keu-Nyeo

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