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Shout Gladi Gladi Poster

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Movie Facts

Status: Released

Runtime: 100

Budget: -

Revenue: -

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Release Info

  • 2015-10-01

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Content Score: 43

0.0/10 (0 votes)


Shout Gladi Gladi is a documentary about hope. It tells the story of one woman's quest to cure fistula and save mother's lives in Africa. Shot in Malawi and Sierra Leone (just prior to the Ebola crisis) this is an intense portrait of the people suffering from fistula and the struggle of those who are not only trying to fix this condition but curtail it through better maternal health care. In addition, it is about women's empowerment, specifically through a radical device from BBOXX, a solar powered generator that provides the women not only with electricity in a region where there is none but also as a means to make money by charging cell phones.


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Directors: Adam Friedman, Iain Kennedy

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