
Dancin' It's On Poster

Movie Facts

Status: Post Production

Runtime: 89

Budget: -

Revenue: -

Languages: -

Webpage: Link

Release Info

  • 2015-10-16

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Content Score: 56

0.0/10 (0 votes)


This coming of age Dance Film, in the spirit of Dirty Dancing, Karate Kid, and High School Musical - is about a young girl from Beverly Hills, Jennifer who is visiting her Father's Panama City Beach Hotel during Summer Break, and falls in love with a Young Boy, Ken who works as a Dishwasher. Even though both are from different backgrounds, they share the same passion... DANCE and partner with each other to enter the 2nd Annual Florida State-Wide Dance Contest. While preparing for the contest, Jennifer and Ken must overcome scheming dance partners, a meddling father, and their own doubts for their love to prevail.


Dancin' Like You've Never Seen Before


Director: David Winters

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Witney Carson

Witney Carson
as Jennifer

Gary Daniels

Gary Daniels
as Jerry August

David Winters

David Winters
as Hal Sanders

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