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Starship Apocalypse Poster

Movie Facts

Status: Released

Runtime: 90

Budget: -

Revenue: -

Language: en

Webpage: -

Release Info

  •  -

  • 2015-09-21

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Content Score: 79

3.0/10 (2 votes)


After their failed attempt to take over the Federation war fleet, John Worthy and General Gustav are sentenced to death but they are rescued by Worthy s girlfriend, Jolli, who has control of a new Starship, The Deliverance. Meanwhile, The Overseer, Ruler of the Federation, wants to enslave the rebellious worlds with an ancient alien Nano-Virus that turns humans into mindless slaves. Starship Deliverance, Worthy and his team are all that stand in the way of total slavery of the entire human race.


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Director: Neil Johnson

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Darren Jacobs

Darren Jacobs
as John Worthy


as Jolli

Brooke Lewis

Brooke Lewis
as Staris

E.J. De la Pena

E.J. De la Pena
as Torgus

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