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Movie Facts

Status: Released

Runtime: 89

Budget: -

Revenue: -

Languages: -

Webpage: -

Release Info

  • 2008-01-01

Plot Keywords

Alternative Titles

  • Daisy vuole solo giocare
  • The Daisy Chain - Das Teufelskind
Content Score: 93

4.8/10 (6 votes)


A grieving couple move to a remote Irish village in the wake of their baby daughter's death. They soon take in an orphaned autistic girl, only to become involved in a series of strange occurrences.


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Director: Aisling Walsh

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Samantha Morton

Samantha Morton
as Martha Conroy

Steven Mackintosh

Steven Mackintosh
as Tomas Conroy

Mhairi Anderson

Mhairi Anderson
as Daisy Gahan

David Bradley

David Bradley
as Sean Cryan

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A review by John Chard

They are saying she’s a Faerie Changeling.

The Daisy Chain is directed by Aisling Walsh and stars Samantha Morton, Steven Mackintosh, Mhairi Anderson and David Bradley.

Grieving over the loss of their first child to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, newly pregnant couple Martha and Tomas decide to leave England and live on the Irish coast. They settle in quickly and things seem to be going well, but when their neighbours house burns down, leaving young Daisy an orphan, Martha and Tomas decide to foster care for Daisy in spite of her being a little different and introverted. Soon enough bad th... read the rest.


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