Office: 3360 Computer Science & Statistics
Computer Science Department
University of Wisconsin - Madison
1210 W. Dayton St
Madison, WI 53706
Phone: (608) 236-0445
Email: yael.peled "at"
My resume: PDF.
I WAS a long and triple jumper for the Badgers
Some Pictures of my team can be found here
My sister had a baby!!! his name is Itamar, here are some pictures:
- I have graduated last week, with B.S. in computer science and math from the University of Wisconsin Madison. .
- Currently I am conducting a research under the supervision of Professor Eric Bach about authentication, privacy and game theory.
- Next year I am going back to Microsoft as a devloper, I will work with the InfoPath team.
- Last summer (2004) I worked for Microsoft in Seattle, WA. I worked with the Virtual Server team.
- Last year I researched with Professor Mary Vernon , on CIPART, Critical Infrastructure Protection Through Analysis of Reliability and Trustworthiness.
- A couple of summers ago (2003) I researched with Jason Franklin supervised by Professor Eric Bach. We wrote the following paper A Survey of Asynchronous Extensions of Block Cipher Modes of Operation, will be published in the upcoming DHS Technical Journal.
Some news from home can be found in Maariv .
Some new pictures from my Dad:
I have just got back from visiting my family, my sister got married. This is a picture that my good friend, Tamar Tal, sent me. My sister is in the middle my Dad to her left and my Mom to her right. Mazal Tov!