Hello, I am Yikuan Zhou and welcome to my list of projects:
HashMap GPS
In progress, Demonstrations coming soon.
Implemented a modified HashTable Map with chaining for collisions
Processed a .DOT (graph description language) using Java streams
Tested code with junit
Created a UI for out app with JavaFX
Reverse Engineering
Utilized gdb to reverse engineer password datat from a compiled C program
to see a picture!
Python Investment tools
Demonstrations coming soon
Developed an investment tool using python to select option trades with acceptable risk & reward
Developed client-side software to retrieve market data and trade information by integrating with brokerage’s server
Python Image to text Processor
In progress, Demonstrations coming soon
Extracted market data from screenshots of FFXIV utilizing Python’s OpenCV (Computer Vision Library) and pytesserac
Formulated a statistical analysis on video game data to optimize earning in-game currency
Tree ITunes
Implemented Red Black tree with insert, removal, and in order traversal in Java
Compiled with javac on Linux bash
Tested code with junit
Collaborated with a partner using git, committing on separate branches and merging different branches at end
Utilized Makefiles to build executables and utilized shared libraries
Heap Simulator in C
Modeled a Heap in C
Applied first-fit, next-fit, best-fit placement policies to an existing heap structure in C
Utilized generic pointers (void *), bit-masking, bit-shifting
Cache Simulator in C
Modeled a Cache in C using pointers and structs
Applied a LRU (Least Recently Used) replacement model to Cache