A New Approach in Foreground Identification for Quality Evaluation of Temporally Resolved MR Angiography Digital Subtraction


Yuan-Fen Kuo

Cornell University :: Machine Vision CS 664

Prof. Ramin Zabih


Previously, an algorithm was proposed to automatically select the mask and the arterial phase images.  The algorithm used a brute-force search to find the best pair of mask image and arterial phase image base on estimated image quality.  The image quality was estimated by the difference of the foreground intensity and the background intensity, where higher difference yield better quality.  The foreground pixels were identified based on the observation that foreground consisted long vertical lines and was bound within a specific width.  An estimate of the bound allowed a conservative identification of the foreground pixels.


In this paper, a new algorithm is proposed which requires no estimation of the width bound.  While the underlining quality is estimated in the same fashion, the algorithm identifies the foreground based upon the observation that the foregroundÕs intensity is significantly higher than the background on a given horizontal scan line (horizontal defined as perpendicular to the artery).  This difference (gradient) allows an estimate of the locations of the foreground pixels.  In addition, all the foreground pixels should most likely to be connected which enables a neighboring system to penalize incorrect estimates.


This paper also makes an additional extension to separate all images into the right and the left legs and all operations were done on the two separated images independently.  As we will see, this separation not only gains us different estimations of the arrival of the contrast, it also enabled us to find matches that was not possible with two leg per image. 


The separation also provides us further information to correct and adjust our foreground estimation because unlike two leg per image, the maximum intensity of each horizontal scan line is now most likely to reside on the foreground pixel of our interest.


Finally an attempt to average the best subtracted images resulted further improvement on the quality of the images.


The rest of the paper is organized as follows: i) assumption ii) presentation of the overall algorithm iii) detail discussion of the foreground estimation and quality calculation iv) extension v) results vi) caveat v) conclusion and future work. 

IntroductioAssumption Algorithm Extension Results Caveat Conclusion Future Work Reference


Throughout the paper, the position of the legs are assumed to be static.  If images were severely corrupted by motion, it is estimated and eliminated in the algorithm.

Overall Algorithm


1)    discard corrupted images

2)    estimate image boundaries [top, down, splitLine ]

3)    separate images into rightSet and leftSet

           according to rightLine, leftLine and splitLine

      foreach set

4)      estimate the arrival of the contrast

5)      separate the set into maskSet and arterialPhase

6)      estimate the quality of all pairs of maskSet and arterialPhase

7)      select the pair that yields the best quality


1) Discard Corrupted Images


Due to MR operation and possibly motion of the patient, images in the beginning and the end of the series sometimes have significant noise or meaning less content.  These images have significantly higher sum of intensities of all pixels compared to other non-corrupted images.  While it is very efficient to calculate the sum, these outliers are eliminated to avoid further expensive operations in the further steps.  A reference image is calculated by averaging the ten middle images in the series. 


Fig. 1  All frames in the original series. Frames circled in blue will be discarded, and correspond to the points circled in blue in Fig. 3

Fig. 2 Set of frames after discarding the noisy frames. This is the set that will be used to find the best match mask and arterial phase images. 


Fig. 3 This plot shows the sum of intensities of each frame, the outliers circled in blue correspond to the noisy frames in Fig. 1, and are discarded in Fig. 2. 


2) Estimate Image Boundaries


The main purpose of this operation is to find the vertical line (vertical defined as parallel to the legs), splitLine, where it separates the left and the right legs.  Since the split line should reside roughly in the center of image, it is estimated by finding the minimum column sum of intensity ( each column is a vertical scan line) beginning from the center of the image and plus and minus fifty pixels (columns) from the center.


The legs usually take up only a portion of the original image, leaving parts of the left and the right side of the image empty. Using the same information, column sum of intensity, the position of the leg can be estimated and the images maybe reconstructed accordingly to discard the empty portion and reduce useless calculations in the further steps. Variable rightLine refers to the right most column that the right leg occupies and leftLine refers the left most column that the left leg occupies.  


Because the positions of the legs are assumed to be static, one of the frames is chosen ( the middle frame in our case) to estimate the three lines. 



Fig 4.  Each red circle in the plot is the vertical column sum of intensity of the image on the left.  The three blue lines from the left to right in both the image and the plot refer to the leftLine, splitLine, and the rightLine.   



3) Separate the Images into rightSet and leftSet


The original images are reconstructed and separated using the information acquired from step 2.  Each image in the rightSet contains all pixels from the righLineÕth column to the splitLineÕth column from the original image and each image in the leftSet contains all pixels from the leftLineÕth column to the splitLineÕth column from the original image.  Each image is the tightest bound of the leg.  


Perhaps the removal of the empty parts of the image was responsible for the (roughly) disproportionally longer execution time for 2 leg per image than 2 runs of single leg per image on a dual processor 500 MHz G4 PowerPC. 

Fig. 5.  The image on the left is separated and reconstructed into two images on the right with the tightest bound of the legs. 



4) Estimate Contrast Arrival


Raj AshishÕs contrast arrival estimation algorithm is adopted.  The algorithm is applied independently on both the rightSet and the leftSet.


5) Separate the set into maskSet and arterialPhase

6) Estimate the quality of all pairs of maskSet and arterialPhase

7) Select the pair that yields the best quality


For each set we further divide it into the maskSet and the arterialPhase according to the arrival of contrast estimated from step four.  The quality of subtracted image from every pair of images in maskSet and arterilaPhase is then computed.  The best resulting quality reveals the match of mask image and arterial phase image that produce the best subtracted image.  


The quality calculation is discussed in the next section.


Foreground Estimation and Quality Calculation


The underlying formula for estimating the quality is adopted from (1).



The identification of foreground pixels is however different.  A new approach is proposed which requires no estimation of the minimum and maximum width of the vessel.  The labeling scheme is discussed below. 


The goal is to label each pixel p in the image to be either the foreground or the background.  The algorithm must be very efficient because while there are about 35 to 40 images in the series, the number of possible subtracted images can be as large as a few hundred. 


We first observe that for a horizontal scan line of the image, the intensities of the pixels where arteries reside are significantly higher than the non-artery pixels.  Secondly, we observe that the foreground, the blood vessels, should all be connected, and most likely vertically.  Therefore for each horizontal scan line i  = 2 to h, the height of the image, we do the following :


i)                    scan each pixel p( i , j ),  j = 2 to w, width of the image

ii)                  if  | I(p( i , j )) – I(p( i , j - 1)) | > Æ  switch mode m. (Æ is discussed in the caveat section) where I is the intensity of the pixel.

iii)                 if m = background mode, pMap( i , j ) = 0

iv)                 if m = foreground mode

if pMap( i -1, j ) or pMap( i -1, j+1 ) or pMap( i -1, j - 1 ) > 0

   pMap( i , j ) = 1                                                                   (a)


   pMap( i -1, j ) = 0.5                                                             (b)


Using the above algorithm, a matrix, pMap, size h x w is built, where pMap( i , j ) indicates p( i , j ) being identified as foreground if pMap( i , j ) were greater than 0.   In (b) we penalize any pixel that does not have an upper neighbor being labeled as foreground, we half its contribution to the sum of foreground intensity; in turn, we ensure the connectivity of the foreground, and as a2 in Fig.7 shows, it reduces the contribution of incorrectly labeled pixels.  The starting point of vessels or any disconnected segments of vessels (real foreground) will be halved as well,  but itÕs only one out of more than two hundred foreground labels and it still has a 0.5 contribution, therefore the impact should not be significant to the overall calculation.  The sum of foreground intensity is therefore calculated as:



Because we have only one leg in the image, we may identify the pixel that has the maximum intensity of each horizontal scan line, and most of the time this point will be where the vessel resides.  A map pMax is built where the pixels in the original image containing maximum intensity of the horizontal line will have a value 1 and all others to be zero.  From a3 of Figure 6, it can be seen that extend pMaxÕs labeling horizontally by one pixel to the left and right might further enhance the result, however this was not tested in the experiment. 


Using this map, pMax, we may confirm and adjust pMap.  Due to the nature of the algorithm described above, pMap may be slightly off position horizontally, using pMax we can adjust pMapÕs position by getting


Min | pMax – pMapÕ |


where pMapÕ is pMap shifted a few pixels horizontally. 


For confirmation, we get a final map by


finalMap = pMax + pMapÕ ./ 2


If the two maps agree on the same pixel being foreground then finalMap would keep a value one, otherwise the estimate will be halved.  Instead of doing addition, we average the two maps because itÕs not always true that the maximum intensity of one horizontal line is where the vessel is, sometimes noise can have the maximum intensity among the scan line. Therefore, by average the two map, the two maps will compensate each otherÕs incorrect estimations, boost pMapÕs uncertain (0.5) estimations on the foregrounds and further suppressed the background pixels that pMap was uncertain about.  



  where pMapÕ(I,j) = 0

This new scheme can effectively make a conservative estimation of the foreground pixels which allow us to calculate the quality of the subtracted image without the need to estimate the minimum and the maximum width of the vessel. Here we conclude our discussion on foreground estimation and quality calculation.

a1 a2

a3 a4

Fig. 6. a1 shows the original image.  a2 shows the original map, pMap, produced by the algorithm without adjustment and correction by the max map, pMax. a3 shows the max map where every point on the map is the maximum intensity of that particular horizontal scan line (all points should have the same intensity one, the grey points were due to the scaling of the image). a4 is the final map used in identifying the foreground which is the average of a2 and a3. This example is drawn from the best subtracted image of this particular case, where a2 has very little noise, and the noise (circled) was suppressed after being averaged with a3, as shown in a4.  It can also be seen from a3 that not all the maximum points of a horizontal scan line is part of the vessel, therefore the averaging may correct the point.   


a1 a2

a3 a4

Fig. 7.  Like Fig. 6, a1 shows the original image, a2 shows the original map, a3 shows the max map, and a4 shows the final averaged map, where this subtracted image is not in the top five choices.  From a2 we can see, the neighboring system suppresses (grey points) a lot of the noise (points that are actually background), both the single isolated points, and the group of points on the top right. The averaging with a3 further reduce these noiseÕs contribution to ¼. 


IntroductioAssumption Algorithm Extension Results Caveat Conclusion Future Work Reference



As a lesson learnt from Machine Learning, ÔbaggingÕ the result almost always helps.  Although the purpose of the computer algorithm is to automatically select the best mask and arterial phase images, the ultimate goal is to produce the best subtracted image for diagnose purpose.  While it is not possible to average real physical MR images, it is possible through digital computation.


Both averaging the top three and the top five subtracted images were attempted. It is vary obvious visually that the most averaged images significantly reduces the noise and enhanced the vessel as seen in a6, b6, and b7 of Figure 8.  Numerically, all three of these images yield higher quality scores.  However, although numerically one was better than the other, it is not clear visually if one is better than the other.  While the b4 and b5 scored low due to noise, they also capture some finer detail of the vessels that are missing from the b1, b2, and b3.  Including b4, and b5 will enhance the vessels but also introduce higher noise and lower quality score.  Therefore with averaging we again have the noise and fine detail trade off.  While a4, and a5 do not seem to have high noise, the significant high noise in a6 is suspected be due to the off position of a4 and a5. 


Further work could be done to find the best way to search for the best averaged image.  It is not obvious how to search the best averaged images as we see from the example.  The search space is O(n^n) where n is the number of images that can be averaged.  How to determine n from the set of all subtracted images is also another interesting topic.







































































*Index (x,y) indicates the xth mask frame and the yth arterial phase image. 


Fig. 8.  The top portion shows the results for the top 5 subtracted images for the left leg and averaged image of the top3 and averaged image of the top5. The bottom portion shows the same information for the right leg.  






























Average Top 3











Fig. 9 shows the results of the top 5 subtracted images from two leg images and averaged image of the top3.


The Use of Single Leg Per Image


The use of single leg per image shows that the bolus does not arrive at the same time for the right and the left leg.  For the left leg, the bolus arrives at frame 13, and for the right leg, the bolus arrives at frame 11.  The bolus is detected to arrive at frame 13 for the two leg images. Although for this particular case, no arterial phase image is chosen before the 13th frame for the top 5 subtracted images, different and better independent matches for the two legs may potentially be missed if two leg per image are used. We can also see that besides the top 3rd match, the left and the right leg choose different matches of mask and arterial phase images.  While the left leg prefers the 14th frame to be the arterial phase image, the right leg prefers the 13th.


In addition, two leg per image suffers from motion artifacts (c4, and c5).  The algorithm misidentifies the artifacts as the foreground and scores the images incorrectly high.  This problem is avoided when single leg per image is used. 


The Algorithm


In general the algorithm successfully identifies the foreground pixel for the evaluation of the subtracted images.  The right leg is a good example to show that the finer detail of the arterial was sacrificed for less noise as we see (b1) has less noise and less detail, and (b4) and (b5) have more noise but much more detail.   Though not as dramatic, the left leg also has the same effect when comparing (a1) and (a2) where (a2) has more detail on the start shape vessels on the top right. 




While no data from previous work is available to be compared with, perhaps the most exciting result of the paper is the averaging of the subtracted images, besides from the fact that the algorithm requires no estimation of the width of the vessels.  It is not as easy to see from the images above due to scaling; however, for the left leg, the average of the top 3 subtracted images (a6) significantly reduces the noise on the left side of the vessels while preserves the clarity of the vessels, and indeed it scores higher than the best non averaged image (a1).  However, the average of the top five images (a7) significantly degrades the image.  I suspect that (a4) and/or (a5) are not perfectly inline in position with (a1), (a2), and (a3), which not only fail to average out the noise, but introduced further noise.


For the right leg, both (b6) and (b7) significantly reduce the noise and preserve the vessels.  However, (b7) benefited from (b4) and (b5) in that it was able to enhance the intensity of the thinner vessels which is suppressed in (b1) (b2) and (b3).  Again the averaged image scores higher than the best non averaged image(b1). 


Averaging also helps two leg images, however only the top 3 is averaged due to the non meaningful results of (c4) and (c5). 


IntroductioAssumption Algorithm Extension Results Caveat Conclusion Future Work Reference


As noted in the foreground estimation and quality calculation section, the algorithm relies on the detection of significant intensity changes in a horizontal scan line.  As far as the significant intensity change, the algorithm requires an estimation of a threshold, Æ, perhaps in exchange to the estimation of the width of the vessels. The higher the threshold is the less noise we get, however finer detail of the correct foreground is lost.  When the threshold is low, the finer vessels can be captured, but we also get significant noise. Empirical results show that a threshold of 0.04 works pretty well on all cases that had been experimented in terms of the balance between theold, or further work will have to be done to estimate this threshold in order to make the whole process fully automatic.   


IntroductioAssumption Algorithm Extension Results Caveat Conclusion Future Work Reference


A new algorithm has been proposed to identify foreground pixels of temporally resolved MR digital subtraction angiography for the use of quality evaluation.  The algorithm conservatively identifies the foreground pixels without the need to estimate the bound of foreground width.  The use of single leg per image shows that the contrast may arrive at a different time for the two legs; furthermore it aids (at least this particular algorithm) cases where two leg per image had difficulty producing meaningful results due to motion artifacts.  Averaging the best subtracted results further enhances the image quality.  Although no results from the previous work are available for comparison, and no double blind experiment is conducted, the results seem to be competitive.  


IntroductioAssumption Algorithm Extension Results Caveat Conclusion Future Work Reference

Future Work

As eluded from previous sections, it is useful to develop an algorithm that can search for the best threshold.  While averaging the best subtracted images enhances images even further, an efficient algorithm is needed to search for the best averaged image.  As mentioned, the max map may be improved by expanding its labeling horizontally, but the effect is yet to be determined.  Last but not least, the POCS algorithm may be applied on the images that are discarded in step one, perhaps these images might be even better choices of the mask and/or the arterial phase images.  


IntroductioAssumption Algorithm Extension Results Caveat Conclusion Future Work Reference


1. Kim, J. et al. Automatic Selection of Mask and Arterial Phase Images for Temporally Resolved MR Digital Subtraction Angiography.  Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 48:1004-1010(2002)