It is an age of colossal data, it is an epoch of fuzzy information, it is a season of elegant mining, it is a spring of future intelligence. It is a tale of many disciplines, united, in the name of data science.
2012 Spring, STAT610 (Introduction to Statistical Inference), Teaching Assistant.
Bayesian inference on the power of high dimensional hypothesis testing for counting processes. (Advisor: Sunduz Keles ).
State space matrix clustering for unified modeling in combinatorial pattern detection, clustering analysis and network inference for parallelled experiments. (Advisor: Sunduz Keles).
Chandler Zuo, Sunduz Keles. A Hierarchical Mixture Model for State-Space Inference and Clustering. 2014 Joint Satistical Meetings, Boston, #236.
Chandler Zuo, Sunduz Keles. A Bayesian Model for Poisson Processes for Power Prediction with ChIP-Seq Data. 2013 Joint Statistical Meetings, Montreal, #649.
(Poster) Chandler Zuo, Yazhen Wang. High Dimensional Matrix Estimation with Non-concave Penalty. NSF Workshop for High-Dimensional Data, 2012, Yale University.
Hongwei Zhao, Chen Zuo, Heejung Bang(2010). Confidence Intervals for Median Cost Estimation with Censored Data. 2010 Joint Statistical Meetings, Vancouver, #230.
George Box Excellent Service Award, 2013.
Distinguished National Scholarship, honored by China State Council, 2010.
Associate, Society of Actuaries, 2015.
SAS Certified Advanced Programmer for SAS 9 Credential, 2012.