Video Production

All of the filming and photography for our project was done over a 3 day period. The first day was exclusively taking stills of Wakamaru for various different purposes. We also finalized the types of gestures he would be performing and the situations he would be in. On the second day, we filmed Wakamaru performing the desired gestures. We also took photos of Wakamaru interacting with humans. The third day was exclusively pictures at Memorial Union.
Despite Wakamaru's ability to produce speech, we decided to use a TTS (text-to-speech) synthesizer from AT&T to serve as BernE's voice. This ensured that background/camera noise would not degrate the sound quality in the shots with Wakamaru. Also, it allowed us to use BernE's voice in sequences with still images, and have more flexibility if we chose to change the script post facto.
