CS 564
Project Stage 3 –
The Buffer Manager
Part 3 of the project involves implementing a buffer manager for your database system, henceforth called "Minirel". A database buffer pool is an array of fixed-sized memory buffers called frames that are used to hold database pages (also called disk blocks) that have been read from disk into memory. A page is the unit of transfer between the disk and the buffer pool residing in main memory. Most modern database systems use a page size of at least 8,192 bytes. Another important thing to note is that a database page in memory is an exact copy of the corresponding page on disk when it is first read in. Once a page has been read from disk to the buffer pool, the DBMS software can update information stored on the page, causing the copy in the buffer pool to be different from the copy on disk. Such pages are termed “dirty”.
Since the database on disk itself is usually about 100 times larger than amount of main memory available on a machine, only a subset of the database pages can fit in memory at any given time. The buffer manager is used to control which pages are memory resident. Whenever the buffer manager receives a request for a data page, the buffer manager must check to see whether the requested page is already in the one of the frames that constitute the buffer pool. If so, the buffer manager simply returns a pointer to the page. If not, the buffer manager frees a frame (possibly by writing to disk the page it contains if the page is dirty) and then reads in the requested page from disk into the frame that has been freed.
Before reading further you should first read the documentation that describes the I/O layer of Minirel so that you understand its capabilities. In a nutshell the I/O layer provides an object-oriented interface to the Unix file with methods to open and close files and to read/write pages of a file. For now, the key thing you need to know is that opening a file (by passing in a character string name) returns a pointer to an object of type File. This class has methods to read and write pages of the File. You will use these methods to move pages between the disk and the buffer pool.
There are many ways of deciding which page to replace when a free frame is needed. Commonly used policies in operating systems are FIFO, MRU and LRU. Even though LRU is one of the most commonly used policies it has high overhead and is not the best strategy to use in a number of common cases that occur in database systems. Instead, many systems use the clock algorithm that approximates LRU behavior and is much faster.
Figure 1 illustrates the execution of the clock algorithm. Each square box corresponds to a frame in the buffer pool. Assume that the buffer pool contains NUMBUFS frames, numbered 0 to NUMBUFS-1. Conceptually, all the frames in the buffer pool are arranged in a circular list. Associated with each frame is a bit termed the refbit. Each time a page in the buffer pool is accessed (via a readPage() call to the buffer manager) the refbit of the corresponding frame is set to true. At any point in time the clock hand (an integer whose value is between 0 and NUMBUFS - 1) is advanced (using modular arithmetic so that it does not go past NUMBUFS - 1) in a clockwise fashion. For each frame that the clockhand goes past, the refbit is examined and then cleared. If the bit had been set, the corresponding frame has been referenced "recently" and is not replaced. On the other hand, if the refbit is false, the page is selected for replacement (assuming it is not pinned – pinned pages are discussed below). If the selected buffer frame is dirty (ie. it has been modified), the page currently occupying the frame is written back to disk. Otherwise the frame is just cleared (using the clear() function) and a new page from disk is read in to that location. The details of the algorithm is given below.
Figure 1
The Minirel buffer manager uses three C++ classes: BufMgr, BufDesc, and BufHashTbl. There will be one instance of the BufMgr class. A key component of this class will be the actual buffer pool which consists of an array of NUMBUFS frames, each the size of a database page. In addition to this array, the BufMgr instance also contains an array of NUMBUFS instances of the BufDesc class which are used to describe the state of each frame in the buffer pool. A hash table is used to keep track of which pages are currently resident in the buffer pool. This hash table is implemented by an instance of the BufHashTbl class. This instance will be a private data member of the BufMgr class. These classes are described in detail below.
The BufHashTbl Class
The BufHashTbl class is used to map file and page numbers to buffer pool frames and is implemented using chained bucket hashing. We have provided an implementation of this class for your use.
The structure of each hash table entry is (here it is ok to use a struct instead of a class):
struct hashBucket {
File* file; // pointer
to a file object (more on this below)
int pageNo; // page
number within a file
int frameNo; // frame
number of page in the buffer pool
hashBucket* next; //
next bucket in the chain
Here is the definition for the hash table.
class BufHashTbl
hashBucket** ht;
// pointer to actual hash table
int hash(const File*
file, const int pageNo);
// returns a value between 0 and HTSIZE-1
htSize); // constructor
~BufHashTbl(); //
// insert entry
into hash table mapping (file,pageNo) to frameNo;
// returns OK or
HASHTBLERROR if an error occurred
Status insert(const
File* file, const int pageNo, const int frameNo);
// Check if
(file,pageNo) is currently in the buffer pool (ie. in
// the hash
table. If so, return the corresponding frameNo via the frameNo
// parameter.
Status lookup(const
File* file, const int pageNo, int& frameNo);
// remove entry
(file,pageNo) from hash table. Return OK if
// page was
found. Else return HASHTBLERROR
Status remove(const
File* file, const int pageNo);
const Status insert(File* file, const int pageNo, const int frameNo)
Inserts a new entry into the hash table mapping file and pageNo to frameNo. Returns HASHTBLERROR if the entry already exists and OK otherwise.
const Status lookup(File* file, const int pageNo, int & frameNo) const
Finds the frameNo that is obtained by hashing file and pageNo. Returns
HASHNOTFOUND if entry is not found and OK otherwise.
const Status remove(File* file, const int pageNo)
Removes the entry obtained by hashing file and pageNo. Returns HASHTBLERROR if entry is not found, OK otherwise.
The BufDesc class is used to keep track of the state of each frame in the buffer pool.
class BufDesc {
friend class BufMgr;
file; // pointer to file object
pageNo; // page within file
int frameNo; // buffer pool
frame number
pinCnt; // number of times this page has been pinned
dirty; // true if dirty; false otherwise
valid; // true if page is valid
bool refbit; //
has this buffer frame been referenced recently?
void Clear()
{ // initialize buffer frame for a new user
pinCnt = 0;
file = NULL;
pageNo = -1;
dirty = refbit = false;
valid = false;
void Set(File*
filePtr, int pageNum) {
file =
pageNo =
pinCnt =
dirty =
refbit =
valid =
BufDesc() {
First notice that all attributes of the BufDesc class are private and that the BufMgr class is defined to be a friend. While this may seem strange, this approach restricts access to only the BufMgr class. The alternative (making everything public) open up access too far.
The purpose of most of the attributes of the BufDesc class should be pretty
obvious. The dirty bit, if
true indicates that the page is dirty (i.e. has been updated) and thus must be
written to disk before the frame is used to hold another page. The pinCnt indicates how many times the
page has been pinned. The refbit
is used by the clock algorithm. The valid
bit is used to indicate whether the frame contains a valid page. You do not
HAVE to implement any methods in this class. However you are free to augment it
in any way if you wish to do so.
The BufMgr class is the heart of the buffer manager. This is where you actually have to do some work.
class BufMgr
unsigned int
clockHand; // clock hand for clock algorithm
hashTable; // hash table mapping (File, page)
// to frame number
BufDesc *bufTable; // vector of
status info, 1 per page
unsigned int
numBufs; // Number of pages in buffer pool
BufStats bufStats; //
Statistics about buffer pool usage
const Status allocBuf(int &
frame); // allocate a free
// frame using the clock algorithm
*bufPool; // actual buffer pool
BufMgr(const int bufs);
void advanceClock()
clockHand =
(clockHand + 1) % numBufs;
const Status readPage(File* file, const int PageNo, Page*& page);
const Status unPinPage(File*
file, const int PageNo,
const bool dirty);
const Status allocPage(File*
file, int& PageNo, Page*& page);
const Status flushFile(File*
BufMgr(const int bufs)
This is the class constructor.
Allocates an array for the buffer pool with bufs page frames and a
corresponding BufDesc table. The way things are set up all frames will be in
the clear state when the buffer pool is allocated. The hash table will also
start out in an empty state.
We have provided the constructor.
Flushes out all dirty pages and deallocates the buffer pool and the BufDesc table.
const Status allocBuf(int & frame)
Allocates a free frame using the clock algorithm; if necessary, writing a dirty page back to disk. Returns BUFFEREXCEEDED if all buffer frames are pinned, UNIXERR if the call to the I/O layer returned an error when a dirty page was being written to disk and OK otherwise. This private method will get called by the readPage() and allocPage() methods described below.
Make sure that if the buffer frame allocated has a valid page in it, that you remove the appropriate entry from the hash table.
const Status readPage(File* file, const int PageNo, Page*& page)
First check whether the page is already in the buffer pool by invoking the lookup() method on the hashtable to get a frame number. There are two cases to be handled depending on the outcome of the lookup() call:
Case 1) Page is not in the buffer pool. Call allocBuf() to allocate a buffer frame and then call the method file->readPage() to read the page from disk into the buffer pool frame. Next, insert the page into the hashtable. Finally, invoke Set() on the frame to set it up properly. Set() will leave the pinCnt for the page set to 1. Return a pointer to the frame containing the page via the page parameter.
Case 2) Page is in the buffer pool. In this case set the appropriate refbit, increment the pinCnt for the page, and then return a pointer to the frame containing the page via the page parameter.
Returns OK if no errors occurred, UNIXERR if a Unix error occurred, BUFFEREXCEEDED if all buffer frames are pinned, HASHTBLERROR if a hash table error occurred.
const Status unPinPage(File* file, const int PageNo, const bool dirty)
Decrements the pinCnt of the frame containing (file, PageNo) and, if dirty == true, sets the dirty bit. Returns OK if no errors occurred, HASHNOTFOUND if the page is not in the buffer pool hash table, PAGENOTPINNED if the pin count is already 0.
const Status allocPage(File* file, int& PageNo, Page*& page)
This call is kind of weird. The
first step is to to allocate an empty page in the specified file by invoking
the file->allocatePage() method. This method will return the page number of
the newly allocated page. Then
allocBuf() is called to obtain a buffer pool frame. Next, an entry is inserted into the hash table and Set() is
invoked on the frame to set it up properly. The method returns both the page number of the newly
allocated page to the caller via the pageNo parameter and a pointer to the
buffer frame allocated for the page via the page parameter. Returns OK if no
errors occurred, UNIXERR if a Unix error occurred, BUFFEREXCEEDED if all buffer
frames are pinned and HASHTBLERROR if a hash table error occurred.
const Status flushFile(File* file)
This method will be called by DB::closeFile() when all instances of a file have been closed (in which case all pages of the file should have been unpinned). flushFile() should scan bufTable for pages belonging to the file. For each page encountered it should:
a) if the page is dirty, call file->writePage()
to flush the page to disk and then set the dirty bit for the page to false
b) remove the page from the hashtable (whether the page is clean or dirty)
c) invoke the Clear() method on the page frame.
Returns OK if no errors occurred and PAGEPINNED if some page of the file is pinned.
Start by making a copy of the directory ~cs564-1/public/part3. In it you will find the following files:
We have defined this project in such a way that you can understand and reap the full benefits of object-oriented programming using C++. Your coding style should continue this by having well-defined classes and clean interfaces. Reverting to the C (procedural) style of programming is not recommended and will be penalized. The code should be well-documented. Each file should start with the names and student ids of the team members and should explain the purpose of the file. Each function should be preceded by a few lines of comments describing the function and explaining the input and output parameters and return values.
We will send an email later giving exact instructions on how to turn in. You will be asked to copy only the source files into a directory that we will specify. We will compile your buffer manager, link it with our test driver and test it. Since we are supposed to be able to test your code with any valid driver (not only testbuf.C), IT IS VERY IMPORTANT TO BE FAITHFUL TO THE EXACT DEFINITIONS OF THE INTERFACES as specified here.