Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering | |
AnHai Doan | University of Washington | | Box 352350, Seattle, WA 98195 | | (206) 616 1842 (office phone) |
(206) 543 2969 (office fax) |
Designed and experimented with GLUE, a system that builds on LSD to learn semantic mappings between ontologies on the Semantic Web. Developed an efficient learning method that employs relaxation labeling to classify interrelated ontology elements.
External referee for SIGMOD 2001, VLDB Journal 2001, WebDB 2001, WWW 2002, WISE 2001, AAAI 1996, and UAI 1995-1996.
Creator and developer of the UW online repository of benchmarks and data for schema and ontology matching.
Organized the Departmental weekly reading group on statistics and machine learning, 2000.
Volunteer, SIGMOD 1998 Conference, Seattle, WA.
Member of ACM, SIGMOD, AAAI, and IEEE.