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University of Washington
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 | Spring 2000 Time Schedule  | Legend

University of Washington Time Schedule
Spring Quarter 2000


CESM   514   EARTHQUAKE DESIGN I            

 1940 A  3     MWF    130-220    MOR  225      ROEDER,C
      Display textbooks

CESM   516   DESIGN FOR WIND           

 1941 A  3     MWF    230-320    MOR  234      REED,D
      Display textbooks

CESM   520   SEMINAR           

 1942 A  1     TTh    330-520    MOR  220      MILLER,G
      CREDIT/NO CREDIT ONLY                                                                                       
      GRADS ONLY                                                                                                  
      CIV E,ENGR MAJORS ONLY                                                                                      
      Display textbooks

CESM   564   LAT EARTH PRESSURES            

 1943 A  3     MWF    930-1020   MOR  234      JONES,A
      Display textbooks

CESM   566   GEOTECH EQ ENGRG           

 1944 A  3     MWF    1030-1120  MOR  234      KRAMER,S
      Display textbooks

CESM   569   FOUND SOIL IMPRT           

 8226 A  3     MWF    1130-1220  EE1  042      HOLTZ,R
      Display textbooks

CESM   599   SPECIAL TOPICS           

>1945 A  2-5   TO BE ARRANGED    *    *        
      INSTRUCTOR I.D. MOR 201A                                                                                    
      Display textbooks

CESM   600   INDEPNDNT STDY/RSCH            

>1947 A  1-10  TO BE ARRANGED    *    *        
      INSTRUCTOR I.D. MOR 201A                                                                                    
      Display textbooks

 | Spring 2000 Time Schedule  | Legend

[University of Washington]
Office of the Registrar
Modified: June 15, 2000