Are we past the time when single people could start movements? colonialism smoother lies now - bush on bankruptcy - bush on investigating something then stifling it will people realize? comfortable notion of 'we were bad then. now we're just and fair' people instantly realize policies instituted by colkumbus etc were wrong killing millionso f people and so on native emer genocide but now the same ting is happening, except it's spunt he other way. s there any hope? is it better to just ditch, draw the lines and see hwo things play out? media - georgia -russia e.g. point of life and nature of God - why didn't we win all wars? - why do muslims suffer? - story of man with grapes and stuff before execution rant about article by 3 sisters - stunningly revealing etc extremities hussein zishaan amir grateful that i can at least realize these are extremities (last line) convert vs. revert moral hypocrisy article mamoon applying hudood examples of Prophet (saws) mercy examples where Umar (ra) gave opposite ruling how this ties in with public/private announcement of sinful acts good bad ugly culture and where it fits in our understanding .. don't get carried away by the culture of those times. ahmad, asif - alcohol we enter jannah out of Allah's mercy we worship Allah because of who He is, not what he's given us dr. lang thoughts uwaymir khutbah lessons - immah mufti saab bayan - parrot, gumbad goonj uwaymir's summit of faith (get from moeed) jinn - sheikh story, restroom dua ibnul qayyim quote on balancing hope and fear islamic state - can't wake up one fine day and declare example of prohibition in america vs. alcohol ruling in time of prophet (saws) salvation of our souls .. state is a gift discussion with moeed about saying with meaning we educated are taking things too lightly fa 'aina tadh-habun? where are we going? sleepwalking keep vision khandaq - even in those tough times, Allah made the Prophet (saws) see visions of conquering three lands. change the world - start with ourselves. mutaffifin ayat - kalla bal - raana 'ala .. don't get caught up in self-satisfaction - ayat in the qur'an - and don't you see those who take themselves as their gods. defects in belief - imam ahmad "islam is the solution" idiocy. islamtoday article purcell's submission article neo-hindu attitude in india polarization, anti-muslim attitude. Moeed: i dont know, but i read their stuff on sites like muslim wakeup they r kids grown up here who are sick of being moralized me: featured or refuted? 2:42 PM oh Moeed: featured of course me: yeah i'm beginning to understand that's the third thing umrica teaches i'll add that to my list 1) individualism. 2:43 PM Moeed: ...? what else bro me: 2) men and women are equal and there should be no restrictions on how they interact 3) preaching is self-righteous and retarded Moeed: obh yea dude, thats a big one 2:44 PM its as if it infringes on individualism 2:45 PM absolute individualism me: yeah .. i know what's right and if there's anything i need to know i either already know it or i'll find out myself concept of naseeha is missing - think they're so educated and think they're invulnerable to simple forms of being fooled. but they don't know anything about social sciences so they're backsides are exposed that way to simple fear-mongering and hate-spreading. - example - being affected by false history propaganda of RSS etc. newsgroups: one guy who when it came to muslims was rabid, and perfectly coherent on other matters. doctoral humanities student! - generational thing .. our parents laid the foundations for harmony but now media comes in and new generation grows up separated from that - two kinds of people - one willing to be generous and overlook (louk type) other like bhaskee. - when these people's views mature, they will be in top positions in gov;t and industry. what is that going to mean for us? - am i overestimating the magnitude of the problem? am i wrong in thinking that there is a shift in perception and attitude? am i misattributing the causes? - what can be done? - selfishness. e.g. israel can help us. screw the arabs. - simplistic solutions: it's all because they don't implement POTA. - nationalist tendencies .. they vs. us. the enemy is within us. but they'll be globalist when it suits them! - francois gautier - machiavelli vs. morality - I don't think his analysis is correct, but at least he's not virulently anti-Muslim. - idea of progress is taken hook line and sinker from West, and Muslims are simply seen to be standing in the way. with their ritualism and irrationality. non-hedonism or anyone who argues against selfishness islam and muslims - having the right intention I'm sure you remember the hadith regarding the 'stingiest' of people- the one who doesn't make dua or is inconstant in dua. YQ: wird shayateen - the more educated you are the mose shubh you get let's look at some of the thought processes this engenders: liberal outlook: don't judge me, don't preach to me, i'm fine. i.e. no absolute truth in right and wrong. would choose science and advancement over helping the underprivileged etc. life is the most important thing in favor of status quo not attending seminars/confs