Abstract 5114: Deep phenotype extraction to facilitate cancer research: Extending DeepPhe to ovarian cancer , Alicia Beeghly-Fadiel, Jeremy L. Warner, Sean Finan, James Masanz, Harry Hochheiser and Guergana Savova. AACR Annual Meeting 2019.
Negation's Not Solved: Generalizability Versus Optimizability in Clinical Natural Language Processing, Stephen Wu, Timothy Miller, James Masanz, Matt Coarr, Scott Halgrim, David Carrell, Cheryl Clark. PLoS ONE 9(11): e112774, 2014.
Open Source Clinical NLP - More than Any Single System, James Masanz, Serguei Pakhomov, Hua Xu, Stephen Wu, Christopher Chute, Hongfang Liu. In Proceedings of AMIA Summit on Clinical Research Informatics, 2014.
Normalization and standardization of electronic health records for high-throughput phenotyping: the SHARPn consortium, Jyotishman Pathak, Kent Bailey, Calvin Beebe, Steven Bethard, David Carrell, Pei Chen, Dmitriy Dligach, Cory Endle, Lacey Hart, Peter Haug, Stanley Huff, Vinod Kaggal, Dingcheng Li, Hongfang Liu, Kyle Marchant, James Masanz, Timothy Miller, Thomas Oniki, Martha Palmer, Kevin Peterson, Susan Rea, Guergana Savova, Craig Stancl, Sunghwan Sohn, Harold Solbrig, Dale Suesse, Cui Tao, David Taylor, Les Westberg, Stephen Wu, Ning Zhuo, and Christopher Chute. JAMIA 2013;20:e341-e348.
Using Discharge Summaries to Improve Information Retrieval in Clinical Domain, Dongqing Zhu, Stephen Wu, James Masanz, Ben Carterette, Hongfang Liu. ShARe/CLEF eHealth Evaluation 2013.
A common type system for clinical natural language processing, Stephen Wu, Vinod Kaggal, Dmitriy Dligach, James Masanz, Pei Chen, Lee Becker, Wendy Chapman, Guergana Savova, Hongfang Liu, Christopher Chute. J Biomed Sem. 4:1. 2013.
Three Questions about Clinical Information Retrieval, Stephen Wu, James Masanz, Ravikumar K.E., Hongfang Liu. Text Retrieval Conference - Medical Records Track. 2012.
The MiPACQ Clinical Question Answering System, Brian Cairns, Rodney Nielsen, James Masanz, James Martin, Martha Palmer, Wayne Ward, Guergana Savova. AMIA Annual Symposium. 2011.
An architecture for complex clinical question answering, Rodney Nielsen, James Masanz, Philip Ogren, Wayne Ward, James Martin, Guergana Savova, Martha Palmer. In Proceedings of the First Annual ACM International Health Informatics Symposium (IHI), 2010.
Mayo clinical Text Analysis and Knowledge Extraction System (cTAKES): architecture, component evaluation and applications, Guergana Savova, James Masanz, Philip Ogren, Jiaping Zheng, Sunghwan Sohn, Karin Kipper-Schuler, Christopher Chute. JAMIA 2010;17:507-513.
Classification of Medication Status Change in Clinical Narratives, Sunghwan Sohn, Sean Murphy, James Masanz, Jean-Pierre Kocher, and Guergana Savova. In Proceedings of AMIA Annual Symposium, 2010.
Automatically extracting cancer disease characteristics from pathology reports into a Disease Knowledge Representation Model, Anni Coden, Guergana Savova, Igor Sominsky, Michael Tanenblatt, James Masanz, Karin Schuler, James Cooper, Wei Guan, and Piet C. de Groen. In Journal of Biomedical Informatics (JBI), 2009.
Towards Temporal Relation Discovery from the Clinical Narrative, Guergana Savova, Steven Bethard, Will Styler, James Martin, Martha Palmer, James Masanz, and Wayne Ward. In Proceedings of AMIA Annual Symposium, 2009.
System evaluation on a named entity corpus from clinical notes, Karin Kipper-Schuler, Vinod Kaggal, James Masanz, Philip Ogren, and Guergana Savova. In Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC), 2008.
Towards Virtual Videography, Michael Gleicher and James Masanz. In ACM International Conference on Multimedia, 2000.
This page is maintained by James Masanz and was last changed Oct 2, 2019.