CS 537 Notes, Section #23: Files, Disk Management

OSTEP: Chapters 36, 37

File: a named collection of bits stored on disk. From the OS' standpoint, the file consists of a bunch of blocks stored on the device. Programmer may actually see a different interface (bytes or records), but this does not matter to the file system (just pack bytes into blocks, unpack them again on reading).

Common addressing patterns:

Modern file systems must address four general problems:

Disk Management: how should the disk sectors be used to represent the blocks of a file? The structure used to describe which sectors represent a file is called the file descriptor.

Contiguous allocation:

allocate files like segmented memory (give each disk sector a number from 0 up). Keep a free list of unused areas of the disk. When creating a file, make the user specify its length, allocate all the space at once. Descriptor contains location and size.

Contiguous Disk Allocation

Linked Files:

In the file descriptor, just keep pointer to first block. In each block of file keep pointer to next block. Can also keep a linked list of free blocks for the free list.

Linked Disk Allocation

Array of Block Pointers (Extents):

Allocate an array to hold pointers to all the blocks, but do not allocate the blocks. Then fill in the pointers dynamically using a free list.

Extent Disk Allocation

DOS FAT File File System:

A single File Allocation Table (FAT) that combines free list info and file allocation info. In file descriptor, keep pointer to first block. A FAT table entry contains either (1) the block number of the next block in the file, (2) a distinguished "end of file" (eof) value, or (3) a distinguished "free" value.

DOS File Allocation Table (FAT)