CS 537 Notes, Section #25: Directories

OSTEP: Chapter 39


A hard concept to understand at the beginning: naming is one of the (if not the) most important issues in systems design.

We know that files can be identified by their inodes (or other type of file descriptors), and we can specify an inode by its i-number, index into the inode table (or other file table, like Master File Table on Windows), but that is not a reasonable way for users to name files.

So, the concept of a directory was developed whose basic job is to server as a map:

Directories are just tables that contain one entry per file, containing the file name and inode number or pointer. Remember that other important information about a file, such as the owner (creator) of the file, size of the file in bytes, and time stamps (like create, use, and modify times) is contained in the file descriptor (inode).

Evolution of Directories

Over the years, we have seen an evolution on the structure of directories and, therefore, the structure of file names.
  1. Originally, systems had a single directory for the whole disk. Use a special area of disk to hold the directory.

  2. Later, operating systems had a separate directory for each user, plus a separate directory for "system" programs like the compilers. This was used in DEC's TOPS-10 operating system. This was still clumsy: names from different projects get confused.

  3. Eventually, in the late 1960's, the Multics ("MultiplexedInformation and Computing Service") operating system project made a key (and huge) observation: directories are just files. From that simple observation, we see that if a directory is a file, then a directory can be contained in another directory.

    Suddenly, we have a directory tree (or graph) and file path names. When Thompson and Ritchie designed UNIX, they took many important ideas from Multics, including the directory tree, but pared them down to a simpler and more usable system. All modern operating systems follow this approach.

Hierarchical Directories

Unix approach: generalize the directory structure to a tree.

Unix Directory Tree
This picture of a directory tree may seem like the obvious way to present file, but it was really a major innovation by the Multics project back in the 1970's.

Absolute Path Names

An absolute name is a name that starts at the root of the file system. In Unix, the first character is a "/". In Windows, the first characters are like "\\" or "c:\" For example:

Current Working Directory

It is cumbersome constantly to have to specify the full path name for all files. So, the operating system provides a way to based file name references on the direction in which you are working.

Relative Path Names

A relative name starts at the current working directory (CWD). For example:
Note that each directory has two standard entries:
   .  Points to the current directory.
   ..  Points to the parent directory.
The root directory is a special case where ".." points to the same place as ".".

Consider the follow code sequence:

infile = open ("prog.c", 0);
This seqence would result in opening /usr/bart/prog.c

Search Paths

When you are typing commands in a shell, you just type the name of the command, like "ls". It is the shell, not the file system, that makes it possible for the file for that command (such as /usr/bin/ls to be found.

The shell mainains a user-define variable that lists the names that of the directories that will be searched for the command named. For example, you might set that path variable with a command like:

set path=(. ~/bin /s/std/bin /bin /usr/bin)
This command tells the shell that when you type "ls", first search your current working directory ".", then "bin" in your home directory, then /s/std/bin and so on.

This set of directories is called the search path. This is convenient when working on large systems with many different programmers in different areas.

Putting it All Together: Directories and Inodes

We have learned two important ideas:
  1. Directories map from file names to inodes.
  2. Inodes map from files to the data blocks in a file.
So, consider the how the operating system processes these two lines of code
infile = open ("/a/b/c.c", 0);
rv = read (infile, buff, 512);
Let's look at the steps that the operating system goes through to open the file and read the first bytes in the file. Notice the numbers (in the circles) that mark each disk I/O operation.

We find the inode for the root directory because it is in a standard position, as one of first inodes on disk.

For simplicity, we will assume that the contents of each directory is small enough to fit in one data block.

Copyright © 2013, 2018, 2020 Barton P. Miller
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