Paper Title: "Do Performance Visualization Tools Really Help? A Case Study"
Paper Authors: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Please rate the paper from 5 (Excellent) to 1 (Unacceptable).
Originality: 3
Significance: 4
Technical strength: 4
Written presentation: 3
Relevance to symposium: 5
Your overall recommendation: 4
Please rate how confident you feel of your assessment (due to factors
such as closeness of topic to your area of expertise, level of detail
at which you evaluated paper, etc.).
Confidence in review:
5 = ``I really know this topic''
1) Please give very detailed comments to explain your ratings and/or
to help the authors improve the paper.
Comments to Author(s):
This paper argues, with a case study, that visualization can be effective
in performance tuning a parallel program. Overall, this is a nice paper and
I would like to see it included in the conference.
It seems that one of the major themes of the usefulness of the visualiations
is patterns. Things like spacing of communication events, parallel vs.
fan-out communication timings, and uniformity of durations are presented:
these all work towards the human ability to work with patterns.
Two suggestions (one easy, one more difficult): (1) explicitly mention this
point early in the paper; i.e., the reason (in this study) why visualization
worked was that it exposed patterns that were useful and triggered human
recognition of a problem. (2) Try to draw some conclusion (wildy speculate?)
about what type of visualizations will be most useful; this would be an
attempt to help separate useful from merely pretty visualizations.
Serious issue (that could actually kill the paper): how much did the overall
program improve as a result of your study? You convince me that the
visualizations provide new information; is it useful information?
Following are some specific comments.
* Page 1: the authors argue that "The lack of concrete and convincing examples
of usefulness of performance visualizations in the literature is one of the
most significant impediments to more widespread acceptable of such tools in
both the user and tool-developer communities."
Come on! This is self-serving at best. Tool users don't read the
"literature". Perhaps ease of use, ease of installation, support, manuals,
and availability might have something to do with the problem.
This paper is worthwhile as a help to make visualization claims more concrete.
You're not going to get a bunch of new users if this is published.
* Figure 1: this needs a "time -->" label at the top or bottom of the figure.
* The phrase "in order" appears *a lot* in this paper. In all cases, you can
just delete it and you end up with tighter, more direct prose.
* Section 4 needs the most work. First, it looses focus with the rest of the
paper. The paper is about visualizations and their effectiveness. This
section is about alternate strategies for tuning the application. In the
last paragraph on p.7, there is a discussion of using simulation to evaluate
alternatives, and then graph them. This is quite a different tone from the
rest of the paper. Only when we get to the last paragraph of Sec 4 do we
get back to the point. Trim this and stay with your strong point.
The presentation in Sec 4 isn't as good as the rest of the paper. The
prose is more complicated and the figures are more difficult to understand.
Fig 5 needs work. What are the units of "work" on the x-axis? What is
"time" measuring? It seems to be the average time to send a message. It
should say this explicitly. On both Figs 5 & 6, the legends describe what
the solid, dashed, and dotted lines mean. Then, in the figures, there are
things like "no padding" pointing to the same lines. This is pretty confusing
to follow. You only have 5 curves in each graph; just make each one a
different line style (solid, dashed, dotted, dot-dash, and dot-dot-dash, for
example). Then, next to the figure, have a description like:
....... syncrhonized communication
- - - - non-blocking, optimal padding
In the last paragraph of p.7: why did you use a simulation to study this
change when you had a real SP-2 to run on?
In Fig 8, you present a new version the execution, but with no way to
compare it quantatively to anything else.
In general, ALL of your time-line views should have time labeled on the
x-axis (so that we can understand the magnitude of the issue.
For context, I'm identifying myself as the reviewer and am happy to discuss
the paper and (if it gets accepted) its revision.
Paper Title: "Performance Visualization and Tuning with Carnival"
Paper Authors: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Please rate the paper from 5 (Excellent) to 1 (Unacceptable).
Originality: 4
Significance: 3
Technical strength: 4
Written presentation: 3
Relevance to symposium: 5
Your overall recommendation: 4
Please rate how confident you feel of your assessment (due to factors
such as closeness of topic to your area of expertise, level of detail
at which you evaluated paper, etc.).
Confidence in review:
5 = ``I really know this topic''
1) Please give very detailed comments to explain your ratings and/or
to help the authors improve the paper.
Comments to Author(s):
This paper describes a technique for identifying the source of waiting in
a parallel program. I like the ideas in this paper, though I didn't always
understand the explanations.
A basic weakness of this paper is that you don't show whether the information
provided by Carnival is useful to improve the application program. It would
be nice if you could walk the reader through the steps from identifying the
problem (which you do), to the cause of the problem (which it appears that you
do) to the fix and re-evaluation of the program (these last two, you don't do).
Some sources of my lack of understanding:
1. The explanation of "steps" and "paths". It sounds like "steps" are just
basic blocks (from the bottom of p.3). Avoid intro'ing a new term and
just use "basic block".
A path is a sequence (or a set, depending on whether you're on p.3 or p.4)
of steps. The steps are identified with (among other things) processor ID.
So, it *sounds* like paths might meander between processors. But, from
reading the prose, it *sounds* like a path is all on one processor.
So, if I understand these paths, there are something like: an execution
sequence of basic blocks delinated by synchronization operations. If this
is the case, say so in simple words! If it's not the case, please
un-confuse me.
2. If you have global synchronization, such as a barrier, it is clear how
to compute the stuff you're doing. But, if you have random collections
of pairwise synchronization operations (locks, semaphores, messages),
then I don't understand how to compute your paths.
It also seems, with lots of non-global synchronization, you can get a
combinatorial growth in the number of paths. Without seeing how you
actually identify the paths, I can't figure out if you avoid this
3. Figure 3, and its accompanying prose, gave me some problems. On p.6
(2nd & 3rd line from bottom) and p.9 (lines 9-10) talk about source
code on the right and "execution time profiles for each nested scope
on the left". Is this exec profile missing or am I totally lost?
Other issues:
1. Paper title: the first half of the paper talks about waiting time
analysis. The second half talks about the visualization. But nowhere
do you actually do any tuning of the application. A more representative
title would be something like: "Waiting Time Analysis and Performance
Visualization with Carnival".
2. You mention that you don't handle memory delays. What about OS delays
due to multiprogromming?
With respect to memory delays: do you see anyway of using things such as
hardware counters to incorporate this information?
3. When you combine similar steps, you don't pay attention to the execution
length of the steps (assuming that they will be similar). It is easy to
construct cases where this isn't true. Would it be worth checking the
times and if they are far enough off, not combining?
Last modified:
Mon Oct 27 10:06:46 CDT 2014