Computer Sciences Department
CS 537
Spring 1996
Bart Miller
CS 638/699: Internet Honors Seminar

Instructor: Bart Miller
email: email address
Office: 6381 CS
Phone: 263-3378
Office hours: Wednesday/Friday 1030-noon or by appointment.


Lecture time: Monday 11:00-11:50
2310 Computer Sciences

Class Schedule

There are no written assignments for this class. You are required to attend all of the lectures and participate in the discussions. The following schedule is mostly right, but could change:

Week 1 January 22 Bart Miller Introduction and overview
Week 2 January 29 Larry Landweber Internet Architecture and Protocols
Week 3 February 5
Week 4 February 12 Bart Miller Client/Server and Remote Procedure Calls
Week 5 February 19 Systems Security
Week 6 February 26 Eric Bach Security and encryption
Week 7 March 4
March 11 Spring Break
Week 8 March 18 Miron Livny Images and Pictures on the Net
Week 9 March 25
Week 10 April 1 Pei Cao High-performance File Systems
Week 11 April 8
Week 12 April 15 David Wood The Internet as a Supercomputer
Week 13 April 22 Jim Larus JAVA
Week 14 April 29
Week 15 May 6 Bart Miller Discussions

Last modified: Thu Jan 25 08:58:10 CST 1996 by bart