Image Enhancement and Restoration


  基本上,修改與修補的技術是很相近的,所用的方法大致都是希望藉由二維影像中某一個色點(pixel)他四周為的色點,來決定這個點應該有的顏色,通常我們把這個過程稱為 Filtering。透過 Filtering 的技術,大致而言我們可以把影像修改成我們希望的樣子,例如:把影像變得比較模糊或是比較銳利(sharpen),也可以把影像的對比調的更清晰,還可以把影像中物件的輪廓找出來﹍﹍等等。

  就影像的修補(restoration)而言,我們是假設一張完美的影像,經過了某種形式的 filtering 之後,再加上一些雜訊(noise),最後變成了現在需要被修補的影像。而影像修補的技術,就是想辦法去猜測那是什麼形式的的 filtering 然後透過 inverse filtering 將影像還原。至於雜訊的部份,應為他的產生是很隨機的,故沒有什麼好方法可以將它去除。可想而知,這樣的修補所能達到的效果是相當有限的,若沒有專家的知識,是很難將影像回復到原本的風貌,所以以現在的技術程度而言,影像修補通常是由專家和電腦一起合力來完成。



Image Enhancement


  • f(x): image, a 2D discrete function. F(x) is its Fourier transform.
  • h(x): some 2D discrete function (maybe a filter) . H(x) is its Fourier transform.
  • g(x): image after processing. G(x) is its Fourier transform.
  • * : convolution operation. (It is the bridge between Spatial and Frequency domain method)


  • Spatial Domain Method
  • Frequency Domain Method (Fourier transform)


  • Spatial Domain mothod:

    Use the neighborhood of (x,y) to determine f(x,y)

    This example is make use the 8 neighbors to determine the central pixel. The method to determine could be a weighted sum of the 3x3 pixels, where the weight w1...w9 will determine which enhancement to perform.

  • Fourier Domain method:

    1. Use high frequency to sharpen images.

    2. Use low frequency to blur images.

Point processing:

This method does not use any neighbor to enhance the image. It is just a functoion, which map one color to another one for each color. Although this method is so easy, it help a lot to make images clear.

  • Intensity transformation:


    x-axis : original color   y-axis : new color

    We can get a new image by applying these function to the original pixels. For example, the first function will produce a inverse image (black to white and white to black). The second function will make a dark picture bright. The third function will emphasis a special range of colors.

  • Histogram processing:

    Histogram is used to represent "what percentage does a color have in the image." For example :

    x-axis : the colors in the image   y-axis : the probability the color occurs in the image.

  • Histogram equalization :

    This is a kind of historgram processing to make low-contrast image high-contrast.

  • Image Subtraction:

    Subtracting a special image to make the image more desired.


  • Image Averaging:

    Averaging a lot of noisy images which have the same content will delete the noise.

Spatial Filtering :

Use the neighbors of some pixel to determine the pixel. For example:

Derivative filters will find the edge of an object.

Examples :

Original image :

Its histogram of luminance :

Its histogram of Red :

Its histogram or Green:

Its histogram of Blue:

After lowpass fitlering:

After highpass filtering:

After Sobel (Derivative) filtering:


merge the above pictures result edges of object:

Frequency Domain Enhancement :

  • Motivation:

    Edges , sharp transitions and other abrupt changes in gray levels are associated with high-frequency components.To sharpen: emphasize high-frequency components.To blur: emphasize low-frequency components.

    Equation: G(u,v) = H(u,v)F(u,v)

    G(u,v) is the new image, F(u,v) is the original image, H(u,v) is the filter.

  • Lowpass filtering:

  • Highpass filtering:

  • Frequency domain method vs. Spatial domain method:

Image Restoration


  • Restore the damaged originals:
  • Restore the damaged image because of imperfect acquisition: noise, quantization or geometric transformations.

Degradation Model:


where g(x,y) is the damaged image, f(x,y) is the perfect image, n(x,y) is a random noise function, H is some transformation operation.

Assumption: H is linear and position invariant.

  • H[mf(x.y)+ng(x,y)]=mH[f(x,y)]+nH[g(x,y)]
  • H[ f(x-a,y-b) ]=H[f](x-a,y-b)

Point Spread Function:


  • Inverse filtering:

    1. Compute the 2D FFT of image g, called G.
    2. Compute the 2D FFT of PSF h, called H.
    3. Compute the new image V(u,v)=G(u,v)/H(u,v).
    4. Compute the inverse FFT of V.

  • other methods:

  By 陳必衷 Bee-Chung Chen, CSIE NTU Taiwan [To Homepage] [Back]