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On-line Resources



Image model and Transforms

Image acquisition

Image enhancement and restoration

Image compression

Image database

Segmentation and Recognition

Quality control

Some products and projects

Some availabe procedures and formats


------ The basic idea of "image processing."

On-line Resources:

Besser, Howard and Jennifer Trant, "Introduction to Imaging : Issues in Constructing an Image Database", The Getty Information Institute, 1995.
The first and still good on-line tutorial on digital conversion, image presentation, and reserch issues. It is a good paper for beginners to learn the basic idea of imaging and terminology.

"Project Anthivolon: Digital processing and archiving of Byzantine icons and mural paintings", Department of Informatics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
A good review on what "Image processing task" is going to do.

Reference Books:

Rafael C. Gonzalez and Richard E. Woods, "Digital Image Processing" Chapter 1

Image model and Transforms

------ Mathematical fundations of image processing.

On-line Resources:

"Wavelet Resources", Math Soft.
Resources about Wavelet transform and applications

Reference Books:

Image acquisition

------ How to abtain an image in digital form with desired quality.

On-line Resources:

"Image Scanning -- A Basic Helpsheet", Electronic Text Center, Alderman Library, University of Virginia Charlottesville
Resources about Image Scanning including: general introdution about image scanning process, types, resolution, file formats, size comparison between JPEG and TIFF, and data control.

Reference Books:

Image enhancement and restoration

------ How to make the image "better" and more desired.

On-line Resources:

"The Restoration of HST Images and Spectra - II"
http://www.stsci.edu/stsci/meetings/irw/tablecon.html Restoration of Hober Space Telescope (links)

"Publications on Image Reconstruction and Restoration"
A list of papers in "*.ps" file

"UCLA Image Processing Reports"
A list of papers in "*.ps" file

Reference Books:

Image compression

------ How to make the size of image storage small.

On-line Resources:

"A Survey of Compressed Domain Processing Techniques", Brian C. Smith
A Survey on JPEG and MPEG

Reference Books:

Image database

------ How to save a lot of images for retrieval.

On-line Resources:

"Image and Multimedia Database Resources", Paul Peters dies11/18/96
Very Useful Resource!! sets of links.

"Image Databases -- Fall 1995 class" , Instructor: Howard Besser, Berkeley.
It is a course description. But the COURSE READINGS & RESOURCES is useful.
Content: Technical Protection for Images , Information about Standards , Info for Building your own search engines for WWW DB , Sample Image DB applications incorporating automatic indexing , relevancy feedback, content-based retrieval , Museum Education Site Licences Project documents , Document Images--Image Quality, Conservation, Long-Term Issues.

"Howard Besser's Homepage"
There are some of his current and recent multimedia database activities.

Reference Books:

"Constraint Based Feature Indexing and Retrieval for Image Databases", Peter Eggleston , Amerinex Applied Imaging (AAI).

Segmentation and Recognition

------ How to know if this one is the image we want!

On-line Resources:

"Image Understanding" Amerinex Applied Image
A brief Definition and Perspective from the AAI viewpoint.

"Advanced Imaging Solutions -- Real-Time Image Processing Specialists"
Examples of their project experience in image analysis (processing of a fringe interferometry pattern), segmentation (extraction of the defined details against a complex background).
Just an Example!!

Reference Books:

Quality control

------ We don't want to lose anything when processing images.

On-line Resources:

"Digital Imaging for Photographic Collections: Foundations for Technical Standards" 1997 , Franziska Frey, Research Scientist, Image Permanence Institute

Reference Books:

Some products and projects

On-line Resources:

"The Electronic Beowulf" The British Library and the University of Kentucky.

"Washington State University Interactive Image Processing Project"

"Precision Digital Images Corp."

"The KBVision System" , Amerinex Applied Imaging.
The KBVision System is a set of tools for solving problems in image understanding. It is used for research, applications prototyping, and end-user applications such as measuring, counting, and visualization. The system provides a visual programming environment, data visualization tools, a large task library, and task programming libraries. The system is sold in modules, which allows users to purchase only the tools they need.

Reference Books:

Some available procedures and formats

On-line Resources:

"How the Images Were Prepared for the World Wide Web" , Kodak.
A step by step procedure to prepare images for WWW.

"Digital Formats for Content Reproductions" ,Carl Fleischhauer Technical Coordinator, National Digital Library Program, Library of Congress August 20, 1996
Contents: Pictorial Materials, Textual Materials Reproduced as Searchable Text and Images , Textual Materials Reproduced as Images , Images for Use in Browser-based Paging Sets , Maps , Sound Recordings , Moving-image Materials , File Headers.

"A Multimedia Image Database for Image Processing Instruction" , 1993, Roberto H. Bamberger Steven L. Eddins Stanley J. Reeves

"Deutsch IMG Library"
This page is a listing of the entire contents of this library for IDL. It's a List of Routines.

Reference Books:

Author: ³¯¥²°J Bee-Chung Chen,1998/3/14
Computer Science and Information Engineering Department, National Taiwan University.