Research Groups in University
- UIUC System Software Research Group
Mobile Security, Security Architecture and CORBA Secure Services.
- UIUC Monet Research Group Multimedia Security.
- UCSD Cryptography and Security Laboratory
- UC Berkeley's David Wagner
- UC Berkeley's David Wagner(info on computer security)
- The LSE Computer Security Research Center
- ACM SIGSAC (Security Audit and Control)
- NIST's Computer Security Resource Center (National Institute of Standard and Technology)
- IACR International Association for Cryptologic Research
General Patch and Exploit Information
- Internet security system X-Force
- CVE: Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures
- Microsoft
- NT Bugtraq
Intrusion Detection System
- Snort
- A Conference List about Computer Security at UCSD.
- Cipher IEEE e-newsletter on Security and Privacy
- Fetag LINUX
ACM: ACM Trans. on Info. and Sys. Security, SIGSAC, Communication ACM.
IEEE: Conf. Computer Security Applications, Computer Security Foundations Workshop, Conf. Security and Privacy, Conf. Security Technology.
IACR: J. Cryptology (Springer), Conf. Crypto, Conf. FSE.