Title: An Introduction to Disk Drive Modeling Authors: Chris Ruemmler and John Wilkes Journal: IEEE Computer, March 1994 Context: Disk drive models are important for studying overall I/O performance Paper presents an overview of modern disk functionality(SCSI) and describes one disk drive model. Characteristics of Modern Disk Drives: Disk drive contains 'mechanism' and 'controller'. Mechanism: Recording Components: Storage density - Linear recording density, Tracks per inch(TPI). Rotation Speed. Positioning Components: Appropriate head reaches the desired track quickly and stays there in face of external vibrations, shocks and disk flaws. Seeking: Speedup + Coast + Slowdown + Settle. Short seeks: speedup+slowdown(proportional to square root of distance.) + settle Long seeks: coast(proportional to distance) + settle. Track Following: Uses positioning information recorded on disk. Use buffering to read before confirming that you are in the right position. Zoning: Adjacent Cylinders grouped into zones. Outer zones have more sectors/track. Track Skewing: To read adjacent tracks without incurring additional rotational delay. Sparing: Flawed sectors are remapped to other sectors. Disk Controller: mediates access to 'mechanism'. Runs the track-following system. Transfers data between client and disk drive and manages an embedded cache. The most important feature to model is the data-caching characteristics of the disk. Read Caching, Write Caching, Read-ahead. Model: - Host I/O driver; the CPU costs for executing it and its queuing strategy - SCSI bus including contention effects - Disk Controller effects: fixed controller overhead, SCSI bus disconnects during mechanism delays - Disk buffer Cache: Read-ahead, Write-behind(immediate reporting), and producer-consumer interlocks between mechanism and bus transfers - Data Layout model: Reserved Sparing areas, zoning, and track and cylinder skew. - Head movement effects: Seek time curve, settle time, head-switch time and rotation latency.