What is getcube?
Getcube is a "partition manager" that allocates nodes into
named units cubes which may be used to refer to those nodes
as a whole.
This is similar to a filesystem in concept.
The filesystem allocates and
names units of blocks into a file, and files into directories.
For example: create a cube from nodes 1..4,
and call it hacked.
The name is a remnant from the single most useful
parallel computer we ever had, the Intel iPSC Hypercube.
It was the perfect parallel computing environment; we
actually did work on it, instead of constantly maintaining it.
How does it work?
Getcube consists of two pieces;
- A daemon, cube_mgr, which
is started from the COPS init.d script.
Cube_mgr lives in /p/cops/sbin.
It maintains the current configuration
of cubes in a text database located
in /usr/adm/cops/config.
- A utility, cube which communicates with the daemon using rpc.
Cube is used to
to query and modify the state of the getcube database.
Cube lives in /p/cops/bin.
For backward compatability with an older version of the
cube utilities, alternative executables called getcube, lscube,
showcube and rmcube are also present in that directory.
Properties of Cubes
To be expanded on later.
- Shared
Normally a cube is exclusive use. Subcubes can be
created with in a normal cube.
A shared cube allows more than one cube to utilize the
nodes which are shared.
Why you ask?
Cubes allow naming a collection of nodes and treating
that collection as a unit.
If a user doesn't need exclusive access to those nodes,
multiple cubes can time-share the nodes of the parallel
- Size.
- sub-cubes.
- Permissions.
A unix-like set of owner, group, and mode bits is
used to control access to a cube.
- Network interface.
Cube commands
In the following commands, if no [partition] is specified, the root
partition is used. The '.' character is used as the path seperator in
partition names.
- ls [partition]
- lists any sub-partitions of the partition.
- show [partition]
- display information about the nodes which comprise a
a particular partition.
- get [-l lon | -n non ] [-s] partition-name
- Create a new partition with the given name.
The options which specify the construction of the new partition are
- -l <list of nodes>
- a comma-seperated list of node numbers from
the enclosing partition. For example, if
the enclosing partition has 8 nodes,
the numbers 0-7 are valid node numbers
- -n <number of nodes>
- is followed by the number of nodes the new partition
should contain.
- -m mode
- A Unix-like protection system is currently used
to control access to partitions and nodes.
This specified which mode the partition should be created with.
There is currently no method of changing the mode of
a partition after it is created.
- -s
- Specify the cube should be shared.
- rm
- removes the named partition, freeing the nodes to be
used by someone else.
It is of no small coincidence that the name of the "hypothetical
user" in the following is markos.
Markos helped me create the original version of this document.
Acquiring nodes
A hypothetical user named markos wants to do
some work on a parallel machine or cluster of workstations
managed by getcube.
He wants four nodes to do some testing for the next
several hours.
He will be benchmarking and can't suffer the timing problems
of a multi-user system;
he doesn't want to share them with other users.
Markos does the following ...
cops% getcube -n4 .markos
getcube 'markos' ok
If markos wanted to use a subset of his nodes, he could now use getcube
to divide his nodes into whatever subsets he wanted to used.
The configuration software configures entire cubes, so if markos
wanted to have some of his nodes configured differently from the rest,
he would need to place them in their own partition.
Markos would like to test a shore client and server; he only needs to
use 2 of his 4 nodes to do this. He could configure all of them to
use ip over myrinet, but I'll use this as a place to demonstrate getcube.
cops% getcube -n2 .markos.tcp
getcube 'markos.tcp' ok
Creates a 2 node partition which we will configure for IP over myrinet.
You can use 'showcube' to find what nodes you actually are using.
cow% showcube markos.tcp
name .markos.tcp
numnodes 2
user 2411
group 2411
mode 0775
0 cops04 cops04 none none 1
1 cops05 cops05 none none 1
showcube 'markos.tcp' ok
How to undo all of this?
cow% rmcube markos.tcp
cow% rmcube markos
and we're done.
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Last Modified:
Fri Aug 9 11:59:13 CDT 1996
bolo (Josef Burger)