How to use the SP/2
Table of Contents
The SP/2 consists of a dedicated control workstation and
several parallel nodes, 16 to be exact.
The nodes are interconnected via IBM's high-speed switch.
The nodes and the control workstation are also connected via a
conventional ethernet.
Note that the control workstation is NOT connected
to the high speed switch!
Node Names
The entire SP/2 is named "sp2".
However, you won't find a host named "sp2". Instead, each individual
computer which comprises the SP/2 has it's own suffix to the "sp2" root.
The control workstation's name is "sp2-cw".
The nodes are numbered 1 .. 16, and each of their hostnames
is of the form "sp2-%02d", such as sp2-01, sp2-16, etc.
But wait ... there's more
The above hostnames are the names of the ethernet
interfaces on each node.
The individual nodes also have IP access to the switched network.
If you want to run IP across the switch between nodes, you have
to use a different hostname, one that tells each node to
use it's switch interface.
Again, it's another suffix on the "sp2" name. In
this case, the suffix is "-n%02d", and the corresponding
hostnames are "sp2-n01", "sp2-n11", ...
Whenever I use the term "sp2", I'm either refering to the
entire machine, or just the control workstation. Context should
make it easy to determine which is intended.
A Review of Authentication Databases
There are currently several methods for users in the department to
be authenticated as themselves.
- Departmental Kerberos-5 Database
On most machines in the department, you are authenticated
with the Kerberos-5 database, which also generates an AFS token
for you.
- AFS Kerberos Database
Some machines in the deparment use AFS, but don't have support
for Kerberos-5. On these systems, AFS may or may not be integrated
with the login program. If it is, you login to the system
using your AFS password. If not, you need to login to the system
using your /etc/passwd password, and then authenticate
to AFS with klog and your AFS password.
- /etc/passwd
The tried and true authentication mechanism which only authenticates
you to the current host.
Each of these databases can have a different password!
What's Different about the SP/2?
The SP/2 adds an additional authentication database to this
mess, the SP/2 Kerberos Database. This database is
used when parallel programs are executed on the SP/2.
Logging in
The SP/2 doesn't have kerberos support for the departmental
Kerberos-5 database.
However, it does does support the AFS Kerberos database.
And, AFS is integrated with with SP/2's login program.
So, to login to the SP/2, use your AFS password.
If you don't have one, you should visit bolo to set your AFS
The ONLY SP/2 node that you can login to is
the control workstation!
In a bizzare coincidence :-) AFS is only
available on the control workstation.
To use the SP/2's parallel facilities (the nodes), you will
need to authenticate yourself with the SP/2's Kerberos database.
See bolo to set your SP/2 kerberos password.
The SP/2 kerberos tools are in /usr/kerberos/bin. Use
- kinit to obtain a kerberos ticket.
- klist to see what tickets you have.
- kdestroy to remove your kerberos tickets.
Because these kerberos tickets aren't destroyed upon logout,
please use kdestroy when you are finished using any parallel tools
(aka when you logout).
The sp2 has access to all of AFS land. However, the SP/2
already uses the /u directory for its own purposes.
Becuase of this, you need to refer to your AFS home directories
as /afs/
The SP/2 uses /u as a way to share user's home directories on
the control workstation with the nodes. This is done with NFS.
Anything you store in ~whoever (/u/whoever) on the control workstation
will be available as ~whoever (/u/whoever) on each node.
Several tools are needed to compile and use shore on the SP/2.
To access these tools add the following directories to your path.
- /s/gcc-2.6.3/bin
- /s/gnumake/bin
- /s/flex/bin
- /s/bison/bin
- /usr/misc
- /usr/misc/X11/bin
To aid use of SP/2 Kerberos and AFS, you may add the following
directories to your path.
- /s/afsws/bin
- /usr/kerberos/bin
However, Beware! These directories contain
some executables with identical names. If want to, for instance,
change your password, use an absolute pathname.
I'd recommend putting the SP/2 kerberos directory before
the AFS directory in your path.
In addition, the IBM SP/2 parallel tools themself are
in yet another directory
There is an entire suite of parallel tools to use with the SP/2.
I find pexec to be the most useful one for the things
I typically do. It allows you to execute normal unix programs,
unencumbered by any SP/2-isms, on one or more of the SP/2 nodes.
Pexec allows you to execute something on the nodes ... in parallel!
The general form of a pexec command is
pexec nodes command_to_execute -switches arguments ...
"Nodes" is really a nodespec, which may be a
- node number
- comma-seperated list of nodespecs
- range of node numbers, N-M
Pexec will execute the commands on each node. When all
the commands are finished, pexec will "combine" the output
of any nodes which have the same output, and then present you
the output...
sp2-cw(bolo) pexec 1-2 uname -a
HOSTS ------------------------------------
AIX sp2-01 1 4 000090535900
HOSTS ------------------------------------
AIX sp2-02 1 4 000096065900
Here is an example which demonstrates the output "combining":
sp2-cw(bolo) pexec 1-5 echo hi
HOSTS ----------------------------------------------------------
sp2-01 sp2-02 sp2-03 sp2-04
Poe is IBM's Parallel Operating Environment.
You have to use Poe if you intend to use MPI,
the Message Passing Interface.
However, Poe doesn't allow use of standard unix tools because it
consumes resources which ordinary Unix applications may need to run.
Examples of this are signals and interval timers.
Many applications can be used without modification in this
environment, but Shore is not one of them.
As a sweeping statement, traditional computationally intensive codes
should work without modification. Systems-heavy code, such as Shore
will not.
SP/2 Information
Bolo's Home Page
Last Modified:
Mon Dec 18 13:06:55 CST 1995
bolo (Josef Burger)