Notes on Photography
Here are a few random notes that seem interesting.
Some of these words of wisdom are from my own experience,
some I have picked up from others.
- A white card is 5 stops brighter than 18% gray.
- However, another source suggests that a white card is
only 3 stops brighter than a grey card.
The 5 stops is for most-brilliant-white on the zone scale, which
is different from a white card.
- A rule of thumb ... If metering at night from a white card when
there isn't enough light for metering off of gray, only adjust 2.5
stops brighter, or so. If you go all 5 stops, the shadows will move too
far up the exposure scale.
- Human caucasian skin is 1 stop brighter (Zone VI) than a grey card.
- Illuminated buildings @ night -- f/2.8 @ 1/30 with ASA 400 film
Lens Testing and MTFs
- MTF is measured along a diagonal line from the
center of the film out to one corner.
- Sagital resolution is measured with lines are aligned
parallel the above diagonal.
In other words a radial line.
- Tangential resolution is measured with lines that are
aligned perpendicular to the above diagonal.
In other words, at a tangent to the radial which is the MTF line.
Macro Photography and Lens Issues
Otherwise known as Bellows Factor???
- Minimum lens extension occurs at infinity focus.
Focussing closer requires extending the lens.
- For 1:1 magnification, you need a extension equal to twice
the focal length of a lens.
Supposing a 50mm lens, one needs 50mm of extension for 1:1.
A 1/2 focal length extension of 25mm is needed for 1:2.
A 1/4 focal length extension of 12.5mm is required for 1:4.
- There is a corresponding loss of light due to lens extension.
At 1:1 magnification a 2 stop (4x) loss.
At 1:2 magnification a 1 stop (2x) loss.
At 1:4 magnification a 1/2 stop (1.4x) loss.
- Both of these effects occur even with the slight amount of extension
required for focusing.
There is a small increase in magnification, and a small loss of light.
- Stopping down a lens increases the size of the covering area.
This is why vignetting occurs wide-open and goes away as you stop down.
For view cameras and shift lenses it means that you want to stop down
more to allow for larger (or any) movements without vignetting.
Lens Mounts
- M39 lens mount is Leica standard screwmount ... which is
also a common lens mount for enlargers.
- M42 lens mount is Pentax standard Screwmount.
- Registration distance is the distance from the face of the mount
to the film plane.
- Pentax 35mm k-mount registration is 45.46mm.
- Pentax 67 registration distance is 84.95mm.
- XXX find more of these register distances.
For aperture stops are based on aperture diameter.
+1 stop == 2x light. -1 stop == 1/2 light.
Full Stops are: 1, 1.4, 2.0, 2.8, 4, 5.6, 8, 11, 16, 22, 32, 45
Half Stops are: 1.2, 1.7, 2.4, 3.4, 4.8, 6.7, 9.5, 13.5, 19, 27, 38
For Film stops are based on light sensitivity.
2x rating == 1/2 exposure., 1/2x rating == 2x exposure
Full Stops are: 12, 25, 50, 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600, 3200, 6400
Third Stops are: 16, 20, 32, 40, 64, 80, 125, 160, 250, 320, 500, 640,
1000, 1250, 2000, 2500
For Shutter speeds, typically half stops are available, and those
are pretty obvious. I'll just list full stops.
Full Stops are: 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/15, 1/30, 1/60, 1/125, 1/250,
1/500, 1/1000, 1/2000, 1/4000, 1/8000
For Flash, stops are based on distance, and on flash power:
- JOBO Plastic tanks are IR-proof; not all plastic tanks are IR-proof.
This matters if you are processing IR film!
- Beware -- plastic black-out cloth may not block IR.
Bolo's Home Page
Last Updated:
Sat May 11 22:39:56 CDT 2002
Bolo (Josef T. Burger)