A Neural Network Approach For Interpolating Species Density Patterns From
Remotely Sensed & GIS data: An Example Using The Desert Tortoise
About The Authors
A backpropagational neural network simulator provides field ecologists
with a statistically-based approach for correlating field measurements
with remotely sensed digital imagery, digital elevation models,
landscape thematic maps and other raster Geographic Information System
(GIS) map coverages. Once trained, the neural network is applied to
each raster grid cell of the digital landscape to yield a
two-dimensional map showing the interpolation of the field data to
every grid cell. The result is a digital image which is shown to yield
a rich spatial data set based on ecological field measurements. The
example demonstrated in this document correlates field transect data of
desert tortoise surveys with 21 digital GIS map layers of environmental
and remote sensed spectral attributes.
Study Problem
Landscape ecologists are utilizing
spatially explicit models to design,
develop, and test concepts of ecosystem and landscape dynamics. One
approach is to devide a heterogeneous landscape into a systematic
pattern of grid cells. Each cell is treated as a homogeneous system
and is simulated with a single ecosystem model. The model is applied
simultaneously to each cell. Cells are characterized by their
individual internal states and the states of their immediated
neighbours. Such models must be initialized by providing the status of
every one of the system's state variables on a landscape scale. The
problem is that spatially explicit ecological parameters (e.g.
distribution of populations and communities) are typically unavailable
for full landscape coverages. The challenge that this demonstration
addresses concerns how to efficiently convert transect data sampled
from habitat patches to full-coverage landscape data.
This study was conducted to support the initialization of a dynamic
spatial ecological model of the desert
tortoise. This model requires
initialization with tortoise densities for each grid cell in the
model. A back-propagation neural network was used to associate
tortoise survey field data with available digital raster GIS map layers
representing environmental and habitat attributes. This demonstration
presents the basics of a neural network technique only. A forthcoming
academic publication will more fully evaluate this work in the context
of the two conventional interpolation approaches, such as linear
regression and thin-plate splines.
According to Rumelhart et al. (1986) a neural network generally consists of the
following components:
- a set of processing units,
- the state of activation of a processing unit,
- the function used to compute output of a processing unit,
- the pattern of connectivity among processing units,
- the rule of activation propagation,
- the activation function, and
- the rule of learning employed.
The network topology and the form of the rules and functions are all
learning variables in a neural network learning system, leading to a wide variety of network types.
Some of the well known types of neural networks are: Competitive Learning (Grossberg 1976;
Zipser 1985), the Boltzmann Machine (Hinton 1984), the Hopfield Network (Hopfield, 1982),
the Kohonen network (Kohonen 1988), the Adaptive Resonance Theory (ART) (Grossberg
1987), and back propagation neural networks (Rumelhart 1986). Although there are many
other variations of neural networks, the back propagation network and its variants, as a subset of
multilayer feed forward networks, are currently the most widely used networks in applications.
Back propagation neural networks are loosely based on the neuronal
structure of the brain and provide a powerful statistical approach for
exploring solutions of non-linear systems (Rumelhart 1986). This study
employs a back propagational neural network which was used to correlate
input information with matched output values. The solution space is the
set of all combinations of coefficients for the equations that are
being used for modeling a system of interest.
A neural network starts with a set equation associated with a randomly chosen group of coefficients and
rules for adjusting those coefficients during "training". The solution space is explored using a
gradient descent method which converges on the global minimum; the set of equation coefficients which
provides the absolute best solution (mapping of inputs to outputs) using the pre-determined
Neural Networks are analogous to Monte Carlo simulations and genetic algorithms, and are used to explore a system
or set of data for the purpose of finding a solution that has predictive capabilities. Back
propagation neural networks are utilized when a set of inputs are known to match corresponding
outputs, but the nature of the relationship is unknown. A network attempts to find a mathematical
relationship between the defined inputs and outputs as it is repetitively presented with the data
through a supervised "training" process.
Supervised training is analogous to the learning behavior of a child's mind as it is presented with samples of
items from different categories along with the correct interpretation of each sample; for example, learning to recognize dogs and cats from examples of each.
And, like the learning child, the
trained network does not yield logical "reasons" for differentiating. They are simply 'known' to be different. A neural network can yield a set of coefficients (weights), but
provides no logical descriptions, cause-effect relationships, or expert system rules.
The neural network software package, "BP" (for backpropagation, written by James Westervelt, USACERL) was utilized by this project. BP was originally intended for use in association with the GIS system GRASS, which is a full-feature public domain GIS system written by the Army Corps of Engineers. GRASS was used in this research to manipulate and display all spatial data. The two-way link between the neural network software and the GIS is a cr
itical component to this work, and the authors expect 'bp' and programs like it to become included as analytical tools built into future GIS and image analysis systems.
Network Design Parameters
Employing a backpropagational neural network requires an understanding
of a number of network design options. A general background of neural
networks is given elsewhere in this document,
however a brief discussion of some key network parameters is given
below. Be advised that there are no definate rules for choosing the
settings of these parameters a priori. Since the solution space
associated with each problem is not known, an number of different
network runs must be undertaken before the user can determine with
relative confidence a suitable combination.
Number of Input Nodes:
These are the independent variables which must be adjusted to fall into
a range of 0 to 1. The number of nodes is fixed by the number of
inputs. Inputs must not be nominal scale, but can be binary, ordinal
or better. Such inputs can be accommodated by providing a separate
input node for each category which is associated with a binary (0 or 1)
Number of Output Nodes:
For the purposes of this research there was always a single output -
also adjusted to fall within the range of 0-1.
Number of middle or
hidden layers:
The hidden layers allow a number of potentially
different combinations of inputs that might results in high (or low)
outputs. Each successive hidden layer represents the possibility of
recognizing the importance of combinations of combinations.
Number of Hidden
The more nodes there are the greater the number of
different input combinations that the network is able to
Number of Nodes Per Hidden
Generally all nodes of any one layer are connected to
all nodes of the previous and the following layers. This can be
modified at the discretion of the user however.
Initial Connection Weights:
The weights on the input links are initialized to some random potential
solution. Because the training of the network depends on the initial
starting solution, it can be important to train the network several
times using different starting points. Some users may have reason to
start the training with some particular set of link weights. It is
possible, for example to find a particularly promising starting point
using a genetic algorithm approach to weight initialization.
Initial Node Biases:
bias values impart a significance of the input combinations feeding
into that node. In general node biases are allowed to be modified
during training, but can be set to particular values at network
initialization time. Modification of the node biases can be also
allowed or disallowed.
Learning Rate:
At each
training step the network computes the direction in which each bias and
link value can be changed to calculate a more correct output. The rate
of improvement at that solution state is also known. A learning rate
is user-designated in order to determine how much the link weights and
node biases can be modified based on the change direction and change
rate. The higher the learning rate (max. of 1.0) the faster the
network is trained. However, the network has a better chance of being
trained to a local minimum solution. A local minimum is a point at
which the network stabilizes on a solution which is not the most
optimal global solution.
Momentum Rate:
To help
avoid settling into a local minimum, a momentum rate allows the network
to potentially skip through local minima. A history of change rate and
direction are maintained and used, in part, to push the solution past
local minima. A momentum rate set at the maximum of 1.0 may result in
training which is highly unstable and thus may not achieve even a local
minima, or the network may take an inordinate amount of training time.
If set at a low of 0.0, momentum is not considered and the network is
more likely to settle into a local minimum. A process of "simulated
annealing" is performed if the momentum rate starts high and is slowly
shifted to 0 over a training session.
Like other
statistical and mathematical solutions, back propagation networks can
be over- parameterized. This leads to the ability of the statistics to
find parameters which can accurately compute the desired output at the
expense of the systems ability to interpolate and compute appropriate
output for different inputs. To ensure that a back propagation neural
network is not over parameterized, the training data must be split into
a training and a testing set. It is the performance of the trained
network on the data reserved for testing that is the most important
measure of training success.
The Study Area
Field data for this application were collected at Fort Irwin,
California, a 2600 sqare km installations located in the central Mojave
Desert. Fort Irwin is the United States Army's National Training
Center (NTC), where armour (tanks) and mechanized infantry (armoured
personnel carriers) training occurs on landscape scales (Bolger 1986,
Halberstadt 1989). The Mojave Desert is in the Basin and Range
geologic province which is characterized by rugged block faulted
mountain ranges separated by alluvium-filled basins. the eroding
mountains produce broad talus slopes, rocky alluvial fans, and gently
rolling gravelly and sandy bajadas (ancient coalesced alluvial fans).
the lowest part of basins form playas (dry lake beds). The sandy and
gravelly bajadas of the Mojave are the preferred habitat of the desert
tortoise. Additional information on the biodiversity, physiography,
and training mission at Fort Irwin is summarized in Krzysik (1994b).
Field Methods
The distribution and density patterns of the desert tortoise at Fort
Irwin were estimated in 1989 by Krzysik and Woodman (1991). The
sampling design for this assessment consisted of surveying for adjusted
tortoise sign (burrows and scats) within 10 yard (9.1m) wide strip
transects. Each transect was 1.5mi (2.4 km0 long, and represented an
equilateral triangle 0.5 mi (0.8 km) on a side. Transects were
systematically distributed throughout the installation and its
boundaries at a density of approximately one per square mile (2.5 sq
km). Surveys were not conducted in obvious areas of unsuitable
habitat, which included: developed areas, mountainous terrain, and
playas. Only minimal sampling efforts were necessary in the most
severely impacted training areas. These areas were characterized by
less than 0.5 percent perennial vegetation cover and evidence of soil
Live tortoises found on transects are not included as "sign", since
tortoise surface activity is strongly dependent on weather, season, and
diurnal activity patterns. The use of only burrows and scats
eliminates environmental and temporal bias among surveyed transects.
Total sign counts are estimated by multiplying the adjusted sign count
by a surveyor specific calibration coefficient. The calculation
represents the estimated tortoise density on 0.25 sq mi (0.64 sq km)
patches of landscape. Calibration coefficients are obtained by each
surveyor independently conducting identical sign count surveys on at
least three BLM biologists. Of course, only BLM plots with recent
survey data are used as calibration plots. Thorough details of the
field methods used can be found in Krzysik & Woodman (1991) or Krzysik
(1994a). A summary of the ecology and biology of the desert tortoise
can be found in Krzysik (1994a). A summary of the ecology and biology
of the desert tortoise can be found in Krzysik (1994a). A map of the
transect locations is shown below:
The 391 Tortoise Transect
Sites, 1989 (showing corresponding adjusted tortoise sign in
blue numbers)
Digital Geographic Information System (GIS) Map Layers
A number of GRASS
GIS maps were prepared for Fort Irwin. These included Landsat
Thematic Mapper (TM) satellite imagery, digital elevation models
(DEM), shade relief map, and installation roads. These databases were
used to construct 21 environmental and habitat attribute GIS map
layers. The maps were projected as Universal Transverse Mercator
(UTM), and had an original ground resolution of 30 meters. The
resolution was resampled upwards using the GRASS routine 'r.neighbors'
to a resolution of 600 to be closer in relation to the resolution of
the field sampled data. This procedure generated maps of average
values and variability from the original maps based on a cell
neighborhood of 20 x 20 cells (600m x 600m). Average values given to
the resulting maps therefore represented the average value of a
parameter over 600m. Similarly, the variability indices represented
information such as class diversity and patchiness over each 600m
cell. Other maps included a solar insolation map which was modeled
using the GRASS program 'shade.rel.sh' simulating a sun position
directly south at an elevation of 70 degrees above the horizon. Also,
a surrogate for actual land use paterns and intensity was created by
applying a gradient buffering operations to a raster map of Ft. Irwin's
main and secondary roads. The result was a continuous surface of
'human disturbance' with the highest values at the roads and the lowest
values at points furthest from the roads.
Remote sensing for
vegetation biomass in arid and desert regions is very difficult to
model accurately due to low vegetation densities, and also because
vegetation is photosynthetically active for only a very small period of
the year - if at all. As a coarse indicator for green biomass, a
Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) was used as a measure of
vegetation cover at Ft. Irwin.
NDVI is a normalized ratio of the amount of light absorbed in the red
wavelenth to the amount reflected in the infrared wavelengths, and is
expressed as:
NDVI = (red - near infrared)/(red +
near infrared)
NDVI is a measure of plant photosyntetic activity (Tucker & Sellers 1986), and has been correlated with vegetation biomass (Huete & Jackson 1987), seasonal crop production (Bartholome 1988), continental scale vegetation cover classification (Tucker et al.
1985), and spatial and temporal dynamics of tsetse fly populations (Rogers & Randolph 1991, 1993).
The DEM used was a standard
3 arc second (100m resolution) product transferred from the US Geologic Survey
data site.
The 21 digital physiographic and imagery data layers were correlated with the field collected desert tortoise survey data and are listed below:
- Number: Map Name: Description:
- 1 DEM.avg.ind Average elevation
- 2 DEM.shade.avg.ind Average shade
- 3 DEM.shade.var.ind Shade variability
- 4 DEM.slope.avg.ind Average slope
- 5 DEM.slope.var.ind Slope variability
- 6 DEM.var.ind Elevation variability
- 7 tm91.ndvi.avg.ind Normalized vegetative index average
- 8 tm91.ndvi.var.ind Normalized vegetative index average
- 9 tmtor.1.av Thematic mapper band 1 average value
- 10 tmtor.1.div Thematic mapper band 1 diversity value
- 11 tmtor.2.av Thematic mapper band 2 average value
- 12 tmtor.2.div Thematic mapper band 2 diversity value
- 13 tmtor.3.av Thematic mapper band 3 average value
- 14 tmtor.3.div Thematic mapper band 3 diversity value
- 15 tmtor.4.av Thematic mapper band 4 average value
- 16 tmtor.4.div Thematic mapper band 4 diversity value
- 17 tmtor.5.av Thematic mapper band 5 average value
- 18 tmtor.5.div Thematic mapper band 5 diversity value
- 19 tmtor.7.av Thematic mapper band 7 average value
- 20 tmtor.7.div Thematic mapper band 7 diversity value
- 21 roads.buffer Average distance from the nearest road
Preparation of Network Training Inputs
The raw GRASS map data were normalized within the range of 0.0-1.0 and
sampled for the individual on-ground transect locations. These results
were collected into a single ASCII table where each row represented a
single transect site, and each column was the normalized independent
variable for a different input map parameter.
Preparation of Network Training Output
The purpose of this exercise was to generate an output, as a function
of the twenty-one different inputs, which matched the results measured
in the field. Initially, networks were trained using tortoise density
field data normalized to the range of 0.0 to 1.0. These networks
consistently trained poorly regardless of the network configuration.
This was primarily due to the large number of zero density measurements
which heavily skewed the frequency distribution of the tortoise data.
Conversion of the raw data with the following equation resulted in a
more useful distribution:
adj = In(raw / low + 3) / 4
This procedure increased the relative importance of data points in
relatively data poor areas of the sample space. The resulting values
were used for both a back propagation neural network analysis as well
as a multiple regression approach for comparative purposes. Outputs of
both models were later appropriately readjusted with the inverse
raw = (e**adjx4 - 3) x low
Training The Network
The back propagation neural
network software program, bp, written by Westervelt and based on the
back-propagation procedure described in Rumelhart (Rumelhart 1986), was
utilized for this study. This package allows for the generation of
networks with arbitrary layers, nodes per layer, link connections
between layers, and other fundamental network design components.
Generally, it is preferred that the user conduct several experimental
runs with the neural network to learn which combinations of parameters
are adequate to produce meaningful results. The network is working to
solve an unknown solution space through exploration of that space.
Each network training session begins by searching random starting
points, and then proceeds with respect to the user identified
parameters. Although the user may decide to retain identical network
structures and parameters in consecutive runs, the network may train to
slightly different solutions, on the basis of different set of random
weights being automatically chosen at the network initialization time.
Different initial conditions may start the network on a path towards a
different local minimum solution.
To judge the effectiveness of
the network training session it is important to retain a percentage
(typically 10-30%) of the training data for testing and verification
purposes. As the network trains, it reports its average output error
for the training data and can be configured to evaluate its
effectiveness against a separate set of test data. For this exercise,
10% of the 391 tortoise density transects were retained for testing
purposes; 90% were used to train the solution. For a more thorough
test, a jackknife approach was also used. For each of the 391
different transects, a network was trained using the other 390
transects. After a predetermined amount of training the retained
transect was tested against the trained network.
The trained network can be used to generate a
map by applying it to all cell locations across the entire map. With
the available software, this involved reformatting the raster map
images into a single input file which was fed through the trained
network. This output was then converted into a digital image in the
GRASS GIS format as shown here.
Darker red areas indicate higher tortoise values. Grey areas show a lack of tortoises.
A Continuing Research Project
Further explorations into this technique will include the
evaluation of the neural network predicted outputs with the predicted
outputs from a number of conventional approaches, including; linear
regression, inverse distance weighting and thin-plate-splines. Funding
has also been obtained to conduct a similar desert tortoise survey and
distribution/habitat modeling at Twentynine Palms Marine Air Ground
Combat Center (MCAGCC) starting in the spring of 1995. In addition to
prividing new baseline data, this new study will allow us to conduct
field testing of the results to evaluate and improve our classification
accuracy. Currently, it appears that neural networks are a very
promising avenue for spatial analysis and ecological modeling, and we
are quite enthusiastic about potential applications. If you have any
further questions or comments about our work, please email Kevin Seel
at seel@fsa.ca
