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Это новый раздел нашего вебсайта, посвященный тому, что не совсем можно назвать нашим "хобби"...

Никита родился 13 июня 2002 года в 23:18. Вес: 3554 г, рост: 56 см.

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Baby page

This is a new part of our website, which is dedicated to something (or rather someone) that can hardly be called "hobby"...

Nikita was born on June 13th, 2002 at 11:18pm. Weight: 7 lb 13 oz, height: 22 in.

There are updates in Pictures and Russian part of notes.

Our e-mail address is at the bottom of this page - feel free to drop a line with questions, comments or suggestions.

The rest of our website - enter here



Questions? Вопросы? Contact us
Last modified: Tuesday, January 17, 2006