Background of the Day

This week's special feature is courtesy of my computer genius roommate, Ryan. He has written a program that generates tiled images according to some crazy semi-randomized mathamatical formulas. It's probably only a matter of time until this program is downloadable from his webpage, but for this week you'll have to settle for some backgrounds that I thought were cool.

Click on the link below the background to get it as a targa (.tga) file.

To paraphrase Ryan's explanation of the formulas: The formula determines the intensity of the pixels. 0 intensity is black, 1 intensity is whetever RGB color you put in with the -texturecolor option (the last byte in the texturecolor part is the opacity of the alpha channel). The program picks seven random seed points. "F1" in the formula means that a pixel's intensity is determined by its proximity to its closest random seed point. "F2" depends on the pixel's proximity to its second closest seed point, and so on.
Monday April 5, 1999
-texturesize 150 150 -depth 24 -texturecolor 255 0 2 255 -texturenearest "(F1+cos(F3*F2))"
Tuesday April 6, 1999
-texturesize 150 150 -depth 24 -texturecolor 25 75 180 255 -texturenearest "(F3-sin(F1*F2))"
-texturesize 150 150 -depth 24 -texturecolor 250 179 25 255 -texturenearest "(F3-F1)"
Wednesday April 7, 1999
Instant headache!
Thursday April 8, 1999
This background actually uses the last one as its input file. I guess that the pattern only shows up in areas of high intensity in the original pattern.
Saturday April 10, 1999