How long does it take me to get to school?

Most days I ride my bike to school. Some times I walk. Some times I launch myself out of a giant human cannon from the back yard. In any case, this week I'll be timing myself.

Date Mode Time Comments
Sunday November 29, 1998 NA NA I typically don't go to school on Sundays, and that was precisely the case today. I did ride to Kohl's to get some groceries, though. That was a slow ride, mostly because I didn't know exactly where Kohl's was, and on the way back I was carefully carrying food.
Monday November 30, 1998 Bicycle ~5:14 Riding to Van Hise Hall in the morning.
Bicycle ~3:30 Riding to the computer science building around 1:00
Tuesday December 1, 1998 Bicycle 2:42 Riding to the chemistry building in the morning. Quick like a bunny.
Wednesday December 2, 1998 Bicycle 5:29 Riding to Van Hise Hall in the morning. I swear, I ride to lots of places every day, but I always forget to time myself, or if I do remember to start my watch I forget to stop it when I get there, and if I do remember to stop it I reset it before I remember to make a note of the time. Starting tomorrow I'll have a good memory, though.
Thursday December 3, 1998 Bicycle 3:45 Riding to chemistry.
Friday December 4, 1998 Bicycle 4:46 Riding to Van Hise. Made all the lights
Saturday December 5, 1998 Bicycle 5:31 Riding to the math building in the morning. I usually don't go to school on Saturdays either, but the Putnam exam was today, and I went in to do that - ouch!