What day of the week is it?

I have too much to do this week to fool around with Austin Powers. You can read about that next week. If you want to tell me your favorite scenes, email them in or something and I'll put them up next week. For this week, though, remembering what day it is will be hard enough.

Sunday December 6, 1998 It's Monday. Yes, I'm a little behind in my web page updating. It feels like it should be Saturday, though, since I was at school all day yesterday.
Monday December 7, 1998 It's still Monday. I'm actually cheating and writing this at the same time that I write Sunday's entry.
Tuesday December 8, 1998 It's Tuesday now. Tuesday night.
Wednesday December 9, 1998 It's Wednesday.
Thursday December 10, 1998 It's Friday. Rats!
Friday December 11, 1998 Shoot! It's Saturday already.
Saturday December 12, 1998 It's Saturday.